Hello JoinDiaspora
there is some unfortunate news to share. Feneas will be dissolved and as Joindiaspora is one of the services.
JD will also be shut down on 1 March.
This is unless we can find someone who wants to take over the service.
If you think you can handle the task please contact us via hq@feneas.org (mailto:hq@feneas.org).
You can find the original post below or via https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/-/raw/master/comms/dissolving-the-association-2022-01-09.txt
Federated Networks Association ry will be dissolved
Due to recent lack of activity within the association, issues maintaining the current services and lack of new committee members wanting to step up, the members of Federated Networks Association ry (Feneas) have decided to dissolve the association. The decision to do so was done as per the rules of the association in two Annual General Meetings held no more than 30 days apart. You can find the meeting logs via the below links:
9th December 2021 - https://git....