I did a #Mumble voice chat this evening with However, the connection here is exceptionally slow, so my client's connection kept timing out every few minutes. This happened on two different servers. Finally, we ended the voicechat.
Afterwards, I did a test connection to the #Federati #Murmur / Mumble server. It disconnected once over a ten minute test.
So if I do another #Office_Hours voicechat soon, understand that my connection may be interrupted.
Anyway, I got some great ideas. A has been trying to document #ActivityPub itself (S2S and C2S designs), various implementations (including the Mastodon API that is often used instead of AP_C2S), as well as other #federated communication protocols such as #Matrix and #XMPP. They suggested that "a better Matrix" might be able to be built atop AP.
I used to watch their game streams years ago, but the voice sounded different over Mumble. I'm told that getting a better microphone made the difference.