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In light of the recent massacre, I've had time to think about guns again. The last time I touched a firearm was when I was around 14 and an adult gang member came barging into the family home. I picked up the family pistol and pointed it at him. He realized that I really would shoot him if he did not retreat. He backed out of the door and exited the property.
After the fact, I determined that I did not want to deal with the after-incident emotions related to possibly killing someone. (I should note that the gang member didn't learn from this experience. He tried again at least twice. One of my brothers likewise grabbed the gun and sent the guy fleeing both times.)
Many decades later, there's no "let $BROTHER handle it". If a situation arose in which an intruder threatened my family members' lives, it would be up to me. I've been ready for years, but yesterday I decided to take some actions to prepare.
Both #sonOne and #sonTwo were once shooting instructors. It sounds like they're planning to put me through the training, then buy me a weapon.