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#Earthquake. One of the work phone's apps alerted before the shaking. I'll check #USGS in a couple of minutes.
Okay. #USGS says the #earthquake was M 4.4, 1km WNW of Lytle Creek, CA.
It started with a low rumbling sound. Then the MyShake app alerted: "Earthquake! Take cover. Drop, cover, hold!" Then came the shaking, which lasted less than 30 seconds. It was not intense.
Update 1: M 4.1.
Update 2: M 4.2. Pager green, with estimated 65% chance of <1 fatality and <$1M economic damage.
Anyway, Lytle Creek is not very far away from the San Andreas Fault.
Obviously, USGS will revise its estimates once more data is gathered. That includes citizen science from the "Did You Feel It?" part of the site.
So far, no pager estimate. And the epicenter is too inland for any #tsunami risk, so there shouldn't be anything about it on