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S called to tell me that one of the offices in the Northeast is calling people back to work. I briefly worked in that region several years ago. They had a snowfall and the plows pushed it into the hotel 🏨 parking lot. It was probably twenty feet high in some places.
At least they recognized that some of us were not from there. They gave us off time instead of having us drive through the falling snow ❄️.
They did indeed call, but it was 05:30 US-Pacific, and that slot was already taken before I awakened. As I told S, I just hope I don't wind up working somewhere like North Dakota. They probably have 10-20 feet of snow and temperatures of -50F|-46C. No thanks.
Kenny called to ask me what I'd heard about that office because they had also called him. He notified them that he has a family vacation coming up soon and they cancelled his request.