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Mandatory training today. 8 hours of pay will help a little.
But seriously, I don't agree with HR that _everyone_ needs to take human trafficking awareness yearly. I don't deal with the public, so even if I knew what to look for, I'm unlikely to see it.
Equal Employment Opportunity Course for Supervisors -- This one is probably about 80% identical to the regular EEO course. In both courses, they make the mistake of focusing on the complaints process. 90 days for this, 60 days for that. And then all those time periods are on the exam. But if there's a complaint, HR will send an EEO specialist to handle the process and investigation. Regular employees won't need to know such details because they'll be relying on the domain expert.
We don't expect the EEO specialist to know details of inspecting structures' designs in CAD, so why should the CAD inspection specialist know the details of equal employment opportunity complaint processes?
I got distracted during the EEO course. It is supposed to be a one-hour course, but five hours later, I still haven't completed it. I suppose I'll carry on tomorrow.
This was funny. As I closed in on completion, the course timed out. I had to log in again and start over.
Whatever generic learning portal software they use.