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I recently got to talk to my sister's kids #Honshu, #faveNephew, #PizzaMan, and #LG (three brothers and a sister, all in their 20s and 30s) in person. It was interesting that faveNephew and LG brought up the year I'd gotten tons of overtime, so I shipped each one a different model of tablet computer back when most people did not have such devices.
PizzaMan, being the youngest male, was always the last to get anything. Even his younger sister got things before he did. So I sent his tablet first, a week or more before the next sibling's shipment.
Neither the nephew formerly known as #lazyNephew nor his younger brother #Papaya were present for that discussion, but they did get tablet computers in the mail that Summer. My recollection is that Papaya was staying with my mom for some sort of youth empowerment training, so I shipped his tablet to the house ... and despite "signature required", the UPS driver left it in the driveway.
When he returned home, his brother suddenly contacted me to ask whether he was getting one. I had already planned on visiting Jeremiah (employee at the Best Buy store ... I made sure that every sale went through him ... they weren't on commission, but that doesn't mean they don't keep track of how productive an employee is) after work the next day.
At that time, #LG was staying at the house for the Summer, so I bought my mom the same model that she got. That way, LG could assist her grandmother.