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TIL O.J. Simpson died, and apparently #Netscape still exists…
The last time I saw Netscape, it was a cut-down AOL service (cut down because it was cheaper and went directly to the Internet). That was probably around 2006.
I don't know when the software part of Netscape finally vanished. It seems like Netscape 6 had already come and gone by that time.
@LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} yeah, that's what it looks like here, just a rebranded AOL ISP. Netscape opened all their stuff for Mozilla and stopped a seperate rebranded Netscape Navigator would have been Netscape 9 back in like '08. On my work PC I have the Netscape theme installed on my Mozilla Firefox 😉