So, Inktober was great while it lasted, but it mixes pretty poorly with my compulsion to over-detail. This is why I'm doing a modified version of the Huevember challenge this month. Instead of dailies, I'm painting one piece for each week, with all 7 hues.
This is Dagr, the servant of the Norse goddess Sunna, who was given a shining horse and tasked with pulling the chariot of the sun around the earth every 24 hours. (Sunna also drives a solar chariot, because Norse mythology isn't very consistent, and the ancient world only had so many metaphors.)
Apart from his status as Sunna's attendant, we don't know a lot about Dagr. The Poetic Edda mentions him as the son of the god Delling and either Nott (night) or Jord. His horse's name is Skinfaxi.
Dagr was painted in Manga Studio 5/Clip Studio Paint, and the background patterns are modified from some extant tablet weaving patterns.
This piece was commissioned for publication, but you can still get prints through my Etsy shop here: (
#mastoart #MangaStudio #CSP #Norse #pagan #Huevember2017 #commission