No one understands the hill was also cursed to be eternally pestered by the boulder, when all it wanted was to not be trod upon.
DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab ('s status on Saturday, 11-Nov-2017 10:58:01 EST DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab
Rosy maple moth ('s status on Saturday, 11-Nov-2017 10:58:50 EST Rosy maple moth
@djsundog and the gods were cursed to have to think up ironic punishments when they just wanted to drink and make out with each other
DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab ('s status on Saturday, 11-Nov-2017 11:01:37 EST DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab
@modernmodron and nobody in all eternity has ever left the curses alone to just be unspoken, much to their cursed consternation.