over the last week I've been working on an enamel pin design of the :lattentacle: emojo @Vann designed for Natalie.
Natalie was super important to a lot of us. she made me feel like I could be myself here. I decided I wanted to carry a memory of Natalie with me.
it costs about the same to have 1 pin made as it does 100, so I'll be getting at least 100. I want to make sure I have enough made for anyone who wants one.
they'll be available at cost (~$3) plus postage from a web store, or you can DM me for one at no cost.
if you want one, please fill this out: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxw_GGBEX_ieazMN_S6ksawIdWQWtcJ9W80bLkBjrr36HduQ/viewform
:red_candle: 💙