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Tried out subbing to the "BSD Now" podcast. Interesting, but the two episodes I've listened to are about four times too long and filled with babbling. Within 5-10 minutes, I've tuned out. #BSDNow
I think I'm going to unsubscribe, which will leave me with two:
* Hacker Public Radio -- I've resubbed for the past couple of weeks and I have not burned out yet. Maybe I'm just a fan of @klaatu ;-) #HPR
* Smalltalk Reflections -- This one is on another unannounced hiatus. I should probably take a look around and see whether there are any other !Smalltalk podcasts in currently active production.
I haven't really looked for them yet, but I'd be interested in trying out podcasts that focus mostly on !TclTk or !DLang.