Boost if you're a U.S. citizen (or resident, whatever) who loves this country like you love a violent-tempered landlord w/perpetually sticky fingers, no stomach for repairs, and awful personal boundaries but also a great music and art collection... and so you just grit your teeth and apologize constantly to visitors about them b/c you're too old/broke to move & besides all your stuff's here.
Y'know, I was never gonna' vote for Sanders. I have problems with Sanders, and I always have.
But you fucking overgrown toddlers who can't shut up two years later about how he's Satan? I'm still blocking your dumb asses because Medium really doesn't seem to get this "targeted recs" thing. Seriously, I think they determine what I want to read by throwing darts at a wall.
Everyone is dunking on the Goldman Sachs curing-you-cuts-into-my-profits take, which is good.
Worth remembering, though: nearly all of us have been reared to believe some version of the same thing. Every day we make some move, judgment, or decision which says, "If this person or thing makes no money, it's has no inherent worth, in any way."
It takes conscious reminders, maybe even a damn mantra, to counteract this message which is all around us like air and sky.
"Puppet of Russia" to describe Trump = instant mute from me.
Fuck your war drums and your xenophobic "Resistance." π‘
Can't you make your fucking point about the terrible shit he does daily without smearing an entire foreign country in the process? (Also, are you proud of losing to a guy you routinely depict as a helpless dupe?)
@yatchi It really dismays me how many people really love these cliffhanger elections, and don't see them as evidence that the U.S. system is toxic and has alienated/disempowered millions of people. All they care about is the horse races and the fandom drama, and ohboy more likes for meeeee. Fuck. I'm not sure they can even distinguish fandom from politics, despite all their self-congratulating about how smart they are.
I can't help a flicker of irritation every time I see the phrase "Trump's America." 90% of the time, people are using it to describe shit that's been going on forever, including during the reign of Obama. But either the writers weren't paying attention before, or they felt no compulsion to declare the then-Leader-Of-The-Free-World in any way responsible for bad shit happening on his watch.