Tomorrow will be a very busy day again, so I don't think that I'll have much time for developing RogueBox Adventures. Lets hope the rest of this week will be better.
@alexgleason Yeah, it is a bid sad that it mostly is used for Zelda fan games. I'm always a bit concerned that Nintendo could sue the developers. But they seem to be aware of this problem and work on an original game now. Your game seems also to be a step in the right direction. I hope to see more of such stuff in the future. With a nice collection of assets that work out of the box Solarus could become a free alternative to tools like the RPGMaker series.
@blueberrysoft Thanks for the kind words. I'm not sure why I posted this yesterday. But somehow I felt like sharing this would be a good idea. It's strange how close the relationship to a pet can be. They are more loyal then the most humans I know.
Today the vet had to deliver one of our cats, which had a inoperable tumour. We cared for it as long it still had a life that was worth living(without pain) but over the past weekend its health status got rapidly worse. I think it was the right moment to let this animal go... but I'm kind of depressed today.
What we really need would be a federated code hosting platform. Everybody could run a own instance or join one he/she can trust in but interact with projects that are hosted on other instances without need for an extra account there. All tools we would need to build something like this are already there. Git is made for distributed code management and the rest could be done with ActivityPub.
It works! Finally RogueBox Adventures got a proper dialog system! So far only dryads have a custom dialog but I plan to add more soon. Maybe even some unique NPCs with a background story and quests.
Today I was able to work on RogueBox Adventures very focused for a couple of hours. I started to work on a feature I've on my todo-list already since v1.0.0 . I hope I'll able to finisch it tomorrow. I don't want to say to much now but I think the game will at least be 20% cooler if I am done. ;-) I'll try to post a screenshot or even a short video soon.
Today I have pushed another commit to RogueBox Adventures git repo. This time I reworked the way buff/debuffs are handeled internal. I hope this will speed up further development. Now I have to hunt bugs. A big change like this will add some for sure. If someone notices a bug with the latest WIP just let me know.
anyone have any good recommendations for pixel art editors in linux? i have aseprite but it's a bit... laggy, i guess? sometimes it feels a bit like molasses