Ist wirklich ein schönes Gerät. Meine Frau und ich haben auch eines. Das einzige was mich stört ist, dass Hakchi2 nur unter Windows läuft, ich aber schon seit jahren keinen eigenen Windows-Rechner mehr besitze. Aber vielleich tut sich da ja auch nochmal etwas.
Notices by TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social), page 8
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Thursday, 28-Jun-2018 19:02:49 EDT TheMightyGlider
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Thursday, 28-Jun-2018 18:39:51 EDT TheMightyGlider
Was benutzt du für die Emulation? Ein gehacktes SNESmini? Ich sehe da so etwas am unteren Bildrand. ;-) -
Cocoron :sunbeam: (cocoron@sunbeam.city)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Jun-2018 15:05:32 EDT Cocoron :sunbeam:
Open Legend (open source #tabletopRPG) looks like a lot of fun, anyone on Mastodon familiar with it? #tabletop #gaming
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Jun-2018 20:35:11 EDT TheMightyGlider
On the other hand you don't really explain what you 'do' on mastodon. You call it a 'micro-blogging service'. I don't think everybody does understand what this means. Instead you should say that users can publish text or media on mastodon and other users can like it, boost it to raise visibility or comment it.Hope my thoughts are anyhow helpfull. I can give you a bit more details later if you like.
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Jun-2018 20:27:36 EDT TheMightyGlider
I just had a look at join mastodon.org and think I've some ideas how the page could become more helpfull for non-tech people.
The site is full of technical vocabulary and sometimes there are different words for the same thing. Eg. You use the words 'community', 'server' and 'instance' but mean the same. Furthermore you put the focus on self-hosting a lot. Thats nothing a non-tech users are interested in. Maybe things like this will even scare such a person away. -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-2018 21:03:04 EDT TheMightyGlider
It seems like SuperTux is in need for new contributors. Would somebody here in fediverse mind to help them out?
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-2018 20:09:01 EDT TheMightyGlider
Past weekend I worked on RogueBox Adventures again and made some progress. But everything I made only felt halfway finnished, so I didn't upload it yet. I hope today or tomorrow will be some time to work on.
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Saturday, 23-Jun-2018 04:23:09 EDT TheMightyGlider
I like the public domain assets. Maybe someone should upload them on opengameart.org too. -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Thursday, 21-Jun-2018 14:46:48 EDT TheMightyGlider
On a old USB pendrive I found a few of my attempts to create music from a few years ago. I listened to it. It sounds like some kind of experimental ambient music but one or two songs aren't that bad (at least I thinke so). I ask me if I should release this to public domain somehow.
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Jun-2018 13:57:04 EDT TheMightyGlider
Oh I did not read the article before I posted. But if you replace FOSS with humans I'm still right. -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Jun-2018 13:53:26 EDT TheMightyGlider
A company like Microsoft can't be ethical by its nature. Big companies are only interested in their profit at the end of the day. FOSS is only intresting to them if it can help to earn even more money (or spent less of it). -
KemoNine (kemonine@social.holdmybeer.solutions)'s status on Sunday, 03-Jun-2018 22:08:52 EDT KemoNine
Not everyone can self host software systems.
Not everyone wants to self host software systems.
Not everyone gives a shit about tech
Most people just want to go online, do their thing and move on with their day
If there is a mass exodus from GitHub / GitLab or others we people hosting our own infra need to be good about discovery, community building, community engagement and more.
We also need to figure out how to federate authn/authz. I'll skip over submitting small things if it means yet another account on yet another server run by yet another random.
Centralization isn't great but it does facilitate discovery, community and engagement.
We need to keep this at the back of our mind. -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Jun-2018 14:33:58 EDT TheMightyGlider
If other people could have a potato PC I could have a potato phone too. ;-)
@Jbastardov -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Jun-2018 13:22:25 EDT TheMightyGlider
New Pipe is a awsome app. Its the best youtube expirience I ever had and runs much faster then the native youtube app on my potato phone. -
Jens ♥ (ohyran@fosstodon.org)'s status on Sunday, 17-Jun-2018 02:19:07 EDT Jens ♥
Lead developer of PCLinuxOS is in declining health due to cancer.
Cancer sadly happens, it's horrible, being able to say your good byes due to it's slow acting is probably the only upside of the illness.https://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php/topic,146233.0.html
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Sunday, 17-Jun-2018 03:24:02 EDT TheMightyGlider
Cool! Gearhead Caramel got a new release. Slowly this project takes shape!
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Sunday, 17-Jun-2018 03:11:51 EDT TheMightyGlider
I want to take a short video of it but my screencapturing app seems to be broken. :-/ -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jun-2018 10:58:04 EDT TheMightyGlider
Today I added a very cool feature to Roguebox Adventures. Pets!
Okay to be honest its just one pet right now (a green blob). It will be generated inside the new hub world and can follow you on your adventures. -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jun-2018 02:34:41 EDT TheMightyGlider
I think I know which people you mean and I have to agree.
Beeing part of a minority dosn't give you the right to to treat other people like shit.
People that part of minor groups should know how it feels to be discriminated/humiliated and don't act to other people that way. -
TheMightyGlider (themightyglider@gamemaking.social)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jun-2018 02:24:29 EDT TheMightyGlider
Finally weekend!
It was a busy but successfull week, with a big down at the beginning.
Now I like to work on RogueBox Adventures for a bit.