So a thought Just occurred to me. You know that old leftist thibg about circular firing squads? Well I've heard the right has the opposite problem - constant and ubiquitous scams. Televangelists, telemarketers, phony politicians, fake charities, the works.
Where do you keep your money? If the answer ends with the word "bank," you're doing it wrong. Put your money into cooperatively owned financial institutions. You can find a credit union in your area here: If you want help identifying which credit unions you can join.... @ me. #GoCoop#CreditUnions
@hypolite Aye, those things would still happen, but they'd be relatively rare, not a standard strategy. Or at least, not a standard strategy that's easy to pull off.
@hypolite Well it's a fantasy setting, it's magic. And such people are kept in heavily guarded fortress workshops, so they're not as easy to get rid of as all that.
@MeimuHakurei I'm thinking more of a usurpation of the popular base, while the party establishments grind their teeth and fume importantly. Not that I expect this to actually /happen/, mind you, but I find the entire idea incredibly amusing. XD
So, hypothetically speaking, is there any rule that says you can't run for the nomination of both political parties at once? Just, y'know, hypothetically speaking. :V
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
@StarshipAmelia Ideally any? If I actually did it, I don't think it'd be too much work to make it moddable, or include multiple possible campaigns. XD
...Huh. Now I want to make a game about leading a revolution, either through violence or through electoral politics, complete with a detailed recreation of all the trouble that can come with either. Factional internal politics, external pressures, secret police being deployed against you, the works. Be a help of an effort though, and not something all that many would necessarily have an interest in. :/