Upset- Africa by Toto Weak- Africa by Toto Lonely- Africa by Toto Sinned- Africa by Toto Worried- Africa by Toto Anxious- Africa by Toto Unhappy- Africa by Toto In danger- Africa by Toto Depressed- Africa by Toto Lack of Faith- Africa by Toto Need Courage- Africa by Toto
The sad thing about all the game stores out there is that Itch is doing everything gamers and game devs want and it gets ignored for the most part.
An open source client that is better than Steam, cross platform, seamless update management, fairer dev compensation system than all the alternatives, they don’t act like ass hats to gamers not game developers, hold regular game jams so that aspiring game devs can hone and show off their skills.
Every single mainstream tech site (Engadget, Ars Technica, TechCrunch etc) is more about consumerism than helping to improve the lot of humanity through technology. No wonder our relationship with tech is very disposable, things need to change.
With Steam Play and Proton all over the interwebs today I should be clear about something. I will use it to play Windows games I already have, and any that I pick up in bundles, I may even buy the odd older game for nostalgia; but game developers who offer proper native ports will be the ones I support first and foremost, they went to the effort of creating native games and so are most deserving of my hard earned money