American grandmaster William Lombardy, chess champion (and apostate Catholic priest) probably most famous for being Bobby Fischer's "second" in Reykjavik for the 1972 world championship match against Spassky, died two days ago at the age of 79. His last years were sadly marked by poverty and homelessness. Chess has very rarely made for sustainable careers.
one of the little results of capitalism that continues to piss me off whenever it comes to mind (which, to be fair, isn't often), is how Pyrex-brand cookware isn't actually Pyrex, i.e. borosilicate glass of low thermal expansion any more. Corning spun off the consumer-goods division to some satellite company decades ago, who stopped making the cookware out of borosilicate, switching to tempered soda-lime (i.e. cheapass shit) glass.
That's the great thing about Brands™. Their greatness dies, but the Brand™ lives on, the lingering stench produced by the rotting corpse of a technological achievement.