One of my colleagues just told me that I look like a metalhead with my cannibal corpse T-shirt. I replied that metal is not only in my shirt, but on teeth, bones and blood and that I even have a metalhead flag on my tee to inform people.
UBports is very aware of the current situation involving Huawei. The position of UBports is that Free Software allows choice and protects developers and users. Ubuntu Touch is Free Software and can be used under GPL and Ubuntu trademark licensing. UBports will decide to work with manufacturers on a case by case basis, whenever we feel the situation benefits the community and freedom of choice.
@UnclearFuture Hello, I have been using #fdroid since the beginning of time and experienced no issue.
It is a good model to have a somewhere where people can pay for the application and a somewhere else when people can get it for free.
This decision along with pricing was not taken lightly, the developer made a poll to see if people were OK with this. Of course, most people agreed to this, including myself.
@lnxw48a1 I am so used to things like ` composer create-project symfony/skeleton my-project; cd my-project; php -S` to get a nice greeting web page.