Logged in to delete my accounts after the policy change and found I was spared the trouble with a ban. Guess I was right to be wary about investing time/energy on there with no details on the person/people behind it. https://mastodon.art/@Curator/101260122771146889
How about this thing: record a sound you think is cool (wav format), upload it somewhere, and send me a link. I'll turn some of them into Serum wavetables and make a tiny little melody from them.
How about this thing: record a sound you think is cool, upload it somewhere, and send me a link. I'll turn some of them into Serum wavetables and make a tiny little melody from them.
So that means I need a computer that's comfortable and powerful. I need something I can actually take into another room and plop down on a couch with. I need something that's not going to glitch up on me with 30 seconds of buffer because I'm running 8 Serum instances trying to figure out what to do.
I'm aiming for a decked out Surface Book 2. That'll help me get serious about art, too! It'll probably last me 10 years.
"Why do you need such a fancy computer that you need $10,000?"
It's true that a poor artist blames their tools. I can't deny that I got this far on a laptop meant for office work and a DAW meant for live recording.
But here's the thing: people who go to the trouble to comment on my music say it's some of the most unique and interesting stuff they've ever heard.
Unique and interesting means complex. It plays well together. The next level needs a bigger boat. 1/2
Hear that music in there? My laptop hated it. I tried a screen recording to show the cool little lines moving around, but it wasn't happening.
I need a new computer if I'm going to do music seriously. But it's not just a computer: none of my tools are up to the task. I've squeezed all I can out of them over the last five years, and I'm at the limit.
Toss some money in there and let's make some dang music.
So the new music project is...me! Kye Fox. You might have known me by various names, but this is the one that's stuck with me for years because it feels right through all the ups and downs and diversions.
I'll keep posting unused presets/melodies/songs for now. One fox's reject pile is another's treasure trove. There will come a time when ~$400 a year is not worth the effort, but that's not today.
I am nudging Digital Scofflaw as a project over to the side to make space for something more ambitious. Most of you found me on Mastodon, so it probably won't shock you to learn that I'm a furry. The furry community is where I found my interest in A/V and boosted my lifelong interest in making music, and it's where I want to spend most of my energy.
Your support means a lot! Unfortunately, the last year has made it clear a slow-growing Patreon is not enough for what I want to do. At this rate, my Pateon will grow enough to sustain my creative work right around the heat death of the universe. This is not ideal.