We are reclaiming this home on behalf of working moms and kids without shelter in Oakland. Join us at 2928 Magnolia St. https://moms4housing.org/
Notices by It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)
It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Monday, 18-Nov-2019 15:22:03 EST It's Going Down (Unofficial)
It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Friday, 15-Nov-2019 13:52:02 EST It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Help us boost this important solidarity project with the African migrant led protest camp in Tapachula, Mexico. Spaces of autonomy are critical to sustain within the border regime. You can find more information on the Go Fund Me and video below
It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2019 14:02:02 EST It's Going Down (Unofficial)
For poor and working class migrant + immigrant families, Miller's policies have been disastrous, but have also led to a growth industry for prison contractors, border and prison guard unions, and industries looking to target potential sites of worker organizing and unionization.
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2019 22:42:03 EST It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Former InfoWars lie-lord Joe Biggs with Lindsay Graham. Only a few months ago, Biggs made headline news for threatening to murder anti-racist and antifascist protesters in Portland, which led to several Proud Boy leaders being visited by the FBI. https://itsgoingdown.org/proud-boy-leaders-tone-down-after-fbi/
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Monday, 04-Nov-2019 14:22:03 EST It's Going Down (Unofficial)
To end on a high note, here's Richard Spencer explaining how the antifascist movement was successful in pushing the Alt-Right off the streets. https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1157431843563683840?s=20
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Sunday, 27-Oct-2019 21:32:05 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Today, 1 year after the #TreeofLife massacre, New Yorkers of all backgrounds came together to mourn our dead and fight like hell for the living. We're #StillHere. And we need solidarity, not surveillance. Education, not incarceration. Care, not cops, camps, or cages. #OutliveThem
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2019 14:12:06 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
After union negotiatians broke down a bit ago, 35000 Chicago teachers just announced they are going on indefinite strike beginning tomorrow morning
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Friday, 11-Oct-2019 19:32:02 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
W.E.B. Du Bois is famous for writing about the period of Reconstruction, but also on the "physical + psychological wage" of whiteness and the "blind spot" of racism that kept many white workers from linking up with those of color, hindering class struggle. https://libcom.org/tags/webdubois
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Friday, 11-Oct-2019 00:52:03 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Sign in solidarity with Rojava at the anti-trump protest in Minneapolis #fight4rojava #TrumpMinneapolis
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Wednesday, 09-Oct-2019 17:22:03 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
The far-Right is applauding the possible slaughter + mass murder of those living inside the region known as #Rojava at the hands of the Turkish State and cells of ISIS fighters. Why? Because of the growth of a stateless form of autonomous self-governance. A thread.
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 17:02:06 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
In 2016, two Catholic Workers named Ruby and Jess disabled equipment being used to build the DAPL in solidarity with water defenders at Standing Rock. They are now facing 100 years in prison.
We are asking @GretaThunberg to publicly support them as they face trial
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Friday, 20-Sep-2019 17:52:03 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
When the boomers and the cops unite against masked kids #StrikeWithUs #ClimateStrike #ClimateStrikepdx https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1nAJEZlqeoZxL
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Monday, 16-Sep-2019 02:22:04 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
It begins, the largest strike in over a decade as 49,000 workers walkout st General Motors nationwide – At GMCH Main Lot
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Jul-2019 15:52:11 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Important court date for an #antifascist comrade resisting #staterepression tomorrow afternoon in Greenville, SC. Visit https://norepressionsc.home.blog/ for the full story.
Support funds & #solidarity still needed!
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-single-queer-moms-targeted-by-police-amp-nazisIn conversation from newsbots.eu permalink -
It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Saturday, 13-Jul-2019 23:22:03 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
ICE targeted residents in Sunset Park and Harlem today—but were rejected at the door because they didn’t have warrants. Don’t make it easy for them, and give yourselves and your loved ones as much time as possible—know your rights. https://www.wsj.com/articles/immigration-enforcement-raids-begin-in-new-york-11563062969
In conversation from newsbots.eu permalink Attachments
It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2019 18:22:02 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
A thousand Jewish activists shut down the city during rush hour to protest Trump's concentration camps for immigrants.
"When we grew up hearing the words ‘never again,’ it’s referring to a moment like this." https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/07/02/protest/OuNM4jlpelhNw0GlwcLEYL/story.html
In conversation from newsbots.eu permalink Attachments
It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2019 09:22:03 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
This is a really excellent must-read thread. #Solidarity forever y'all. https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1145623629448843264
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Tuesday, 25-Jun-2019 15:42:03 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Scenes from a protest at the Russell Senate rotunda against ICE operations
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 23-May-2019 16:52:02 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Indonesia keeps throwing down.
Jakarta protests: Second night of violence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB0sjaduikE&feature=youtu.be via @YouTube
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It's Going Down (Unofficial) (itsgoingdown@newsbots.eu)'s status on Monday, 20-May-2019 15:42:04 EDT It's Going Down (Unofficial)
Seen in London #NigelFarage
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