Folding@Home are joining researchers around the world working to better understand the COVID-19 virus. If you want to join them and help with this research you can use your spare computing power by installing Folding@Home on your computer. It's super easy! You can read their blog post about it and download the program here:
Just spotted that kiwifarms et al are going wild foaming at the mouth at me with all the slurs they can manage but I'd missed it because they're all blocked already. It's almost as though deplatforming works towards creating nicer spaces 🤷 Enjoy screaming into the void I guess sweeties x
So glad we had our co-host @ArtistMarciaX joining us again for Revenge of the Sith, it was a real journey. Spread the word for the next films, because it can only get better from there! #StarWarsFedi
I'm basically going to live-toot about the interior design, which coincidently is the only interesting thing going on during dialogue scenes #StarWarsFedi
My @Fairphone 3 arrived today yay! They do amazing work towards environmentally responsible electronics, reparability and workplace conditions all the way along the supply line! Normally I feel a bit guilty buying new hardware but not this time, knowing that I can truly make this thing last and that it's come from a much better place
Remember to ask the young adults in your life if they've registered to vote and to sort it urgently if they're not. Politely walk them through the process of registering and voting and why it's vitally important if needed and be helpful and empowering rather than preachy and attacking: We've soon got the opportunity for an admittedly far from perfect socialist government. Much rather that than the fascist shitshow we've sleepwalked into though.
People grumbling that blaming videogame violence as a bad influence on people are conveniently missing the point that it's the culture and attitudes surrounding videogames that's a big problem rather than the content in the video games. It's very difficult to argue that a small army of angry white teenagers goading each other on to be progressively more shitty people to fit in, with videogames as the common ground, is a positive thing
@alexl Wait until Tuesday, Fedora 30 is released then =) It's nice if you want a Gnome desktop without a ton of customisations made to it that's good for just getting stuff done
The best part of the walk was my journey back where I saw loads of sheep grazing and it's lambing season so there was lambs everywhere. They were all talking to me, and some of the lambs were no bigger than cats and my heart was melting all the way through this valley because some of them came to me and there were no walls or anything. They had a massive hill to just chill on and it was super cute omg omg omg SHEEPS