No one, when they sincerely ask you to check your privilege, wants you to feel bad. Some people asking you to check your privilege may not care how you feel one way or another, but no one really wants you to wallow in guilt and shame. Instead, they want you to begin the difficult work of disentangling your image of yourself, what you're invested in, from structures that are actively harming others.
That taking time to remember Joyce Feinberg, Richard Gottfried, Rose Malinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein, Melvin Wax, Irving Younger would always have to be set against the flood of costumes and candy. That grief would be made surreal by another capitalist season of fun and play.
I'll be attending a conference at Duke University this weekend called "Whose Crisis? Whose University? Abolitionist Study and Global Higher ed." What I'm hoping it will be, and what it claims to be, is an effort to take the abolitionist approach of prison and police abolitionists to Academia.
I have a pretty open-minded attitude to who someone's "ancestors" can be. Mine happen to be both my genetic AND cultural ancestors, but it doesn't have to go down like that. Who ever down the long centuries has contributed materially and spiritually to your well-being and self is an ancestor!
Upon a suggestion from @ArtistMarciaX , I present my initial forays into an anarchist playlist, titled "A Life of Radiant Beautiful Things: Music to Smash the State To"
I've been reading about Fascism and gender in Klaus Theweleit's excellent "Male Fantasies" and I think one of the ways we can be different from fascists is embracing eroticism, the blending of people into each other, the loss of individualism through passion and caring and, yes, sex.
Somedays, Atenea and I come up against these huge gaps in our experiences of the world. I'm a white, cis het male Jewish united states citizen, she's a brown latinx queer ex-catholic and Jewish mexican immigrant woman. We do not have a lot of common ground to work from. But we love each other, and we're dedicated to each other, and all that means about being dedicated to each other's people. So somedays I can cut myself the slack and realize there's a lot of work to do.