"In Ecuador, two weeks of massive indigenous-led protests have forced the government to cancel planned austerity measures and withdraw from a $4.2 billion loan package from the International Monetary Fund. The major victory came after televised negotiations between the Ecuadorian government and indigenous groups on Sunday. At least seven people were killed in the protests. Over 2,000 more were arrested or wounded."
There are no answers but there should be Good Faith conversations about it.
to return to the original point of the post:
Uplift the struggles of people outside of the white West. Uplift the struggles against the West, through sharing news articles, essays, photos, etc. Freedom doesn't happen in a silo, and we aren't free until all are free.
someone mentioned the "invader vs settler" debate (age-old debate, it seems) re: settler colonialism, which is good to consider and think about, broadly
- Should the terms we use be more reflective of historical pain and trauma and therefore more hyperbolic/less apologetic?
- What do we do with phrases and terms that do the requisite "heavy lifting" to describe a concept/historical formation, even if they were fashioned in Ye Olde Ivory Tower? Do we throw out these words *bc* of their origins?
@Ashrand I think there's also a distinct lack of uplifting even news articles here
So maybe thats one way that white ppl can uplift the struggle. By sharing links, screenshots, and navigating others *to* the people who are saying the stuff we need to hear
I do not think that being white precludes anyone from sharing information. Sharing information also isnt an invitation for a take.
Left Fedi is notoriously quiet on uprisings outside of the continental US and Europe, and that needs to change, like, yesterday
y'all's claims to intersectionality or to decolonizing fall short quite often
uplift struggles that are outside of the West, and are directly against the West as well (not just in separating from the West but knowing that the West cannot and should not continue to exist)
"Chin (a.k.a. Yuen Tsui, Detainee ID: 53906) is a transgender man from Hong Kong detained at the Irwin County Immigration Detention Center in rural Georgia. Because Chin is transgender, ICE claims it doesn’t know what to do with him and placed him in solitary confinement, where he has been for over 15 months."
“I believe that cats, descended from semi-social or asocial wild cats and having lived domestically with humans for probably less than 3,000 years, have no concept whatever of a rightful hierarchy of social or moral authority. It does not occur to a cat that any other being has any right, other than might, to its obedience, which is offered only out of immediate self-interest or personal affection. Cats are intensely opportunistic, practical anarchists.”
I think the worst parts about the prison strike now is all the stories of prisoncrat retaliation against strikers
Especially the folks in ICE detention
That and the fact that we have no idea how big the strike actually is, because of prison repression and prisoncrats lying to the media and us AND putting prisons on lockdown/turning phones off/etc
And again - our goal is total freedom, what we fight for is for the walls of every prison and jail to come tumbling down, for the ankle monitors to be cut off and disposed of, for the borders to crumble and for families to move and be free to move wherever they choose
But in the meantime, a governors pardon might get the ankle monitor off, might get one person freer than they are right now
"Anarchism, as a set of principles opposed to hierarchy and authority, and as a political movement fighting for open and egalitarian communities, provides both a basis and a goal for transnational community building... What makes the case of the Philippines particularly interesting in the context of international anarchism is the country's rather unique colonial legacy."
"Transnational anti-colonial community building has to begin with our shared everyday needs and desires... If we do not engage in transnational community building because we're afraid of doing wrong, then nothing crucial will ever change."
"All international separation rests on economic barriers. So called 'cultural-barriers' are nothing but pseudo-scientific attempts to justify this. The international separation of communities is created, not 'natural.'"