It looks like the author didn't check very carefully, as diaspora* has features not checked (like poll and chat), and some features are checked (like file sharing) while they are not supported by diaspora*...
diaspora* version released! As scheduled, a new minor release is now released. Over the past twelve weeks, we have managed to collect 58 commits made by 7 contributors for this minor release.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release. Notable Changes Support TOTP two factor authentication Add a manifest.json file as a first step to make diaspora* a Progressive Web App Allow web+diaspora:// links to link to a profile with only the diaspora ID Updating For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki For those of you who have been testing the release candidate, run git checkout master before the update to get back to the stable release branch. Next minor freeze ( 2019-06-16 Next release ( 2019-06-23
@tiphra I don't know that pod well so I don't know if it has a lot of content. A tip I can share with you: check some tags on big pods and then follow the users who are posting those tags.
#LeSaviezTu ? Quand vous donnez à @Framasoft, vous ne faites pas que donner à l’association : vous aidez indirectement un nombre non négligeable de logiciels libres qui bénéficient des contributions des salariés sur leur temps de travail 🙂 Une liste non exhaustive[1] de nos contributions : [1] parce que des fois on oublie de les noter
@tuxicoman@aris@bortzmeyer markdown c'est cool quand même. Par exemple pour mettre les images où on veut, ou mettre des liens parfois long sur un texte
I'm leaving tomorrow to Berlin to participate to the #diaspora hackathon. I'm quite excited, even if I promised myself not to take a plane again... I'll continue my journey to Berlin with my girlfriend after that. I guess two reasons are enough to justify the pollution I'm going to create. And hopefully these 3 days of work on diaspora\* will bring interesting things for both the team and the users of that nice project!