I'm working on a new project to add "groups" functionality to the #fediverse. It will work entirely via federation protocols, so you'll keep using your existing #Mastodon or other #ActivityPub app account and join groups by following them.
Heard of a cool tech-bro-weeding interview technique the other day. A male and female engineer conduct the interview session together. If, when the female engineer asks the candidate a question, he directs his answer to the male engineer, then he's out. They said it happens a lot
Some twitter v. Mastodon tips for all of the lovely new tooters:
When you like a tweet on twitter, a swarm of AIs spin into action, analysing every aspect of the tweet and trying so desperately to find the matching tweet to show you next that will keep you scrolling, lest their masters decommission them in favor of a new version.
When you fave a toot on Mastodon, there aren't any AIs; you just made another human being across the world feel nice.
Neoliberalism was sold on the promise of lower prices. They neglected to mention that the price it was designed to push down the most was that of your labor.
It looks like #iPhone users can now join in on the fun of #Mastodon's Progressive Web App! If you're not familiar with #PWA, it means Mastodon now has it's own mobile app, with features you'd expect from an app store app like push notifications, but its powered by your browser so you don't have to download anything or grant any new device permissions, and it has all of the features of the desktop browser Mastodon experience https://mobile.twitter.com/anssik/status/956462683863306240
Prototype #WebVR#DataViz on #CampaignFinance in the #IL gubernatorial race. Taking advantage of the real-world scaling of VR, these piles show the true size of campaign donations if stacked in $10 bills. The 2 seemingly infinite towers are >$40 million our 2 billionaire candidates have each given to their campaigns https://social.coop/media/K-qu3cdNMY8RlBPUeCM
So chocolate is made using child slave labor. Also the U.S. Department of Labor keeps an updated list of goods produced by child or forced labor around the world, but being on this list doesn't automatically bar the import of these goods Capitalism sucks https://www.dol.gov/ilab/reports/child-labor/list-of-goods/
I've found myself with a different attitude towards expiration dates since becoming a food #coop owner. Whereas in an extractive store I'd always look for the freshest of any perishable food, now I find myself picking the oldest one that I'll be able to consume in time in an effort to prevent waste. Today there was quite a bit of milk on its last day (and also at 1/2 price), so I decided it was a good day to make some fresh mozzarella
We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings
Follows welcome except Nazis/TERFs
Cooperate all the things!