Account migration "easier than ever, and with 3.0 comes the ability to bring your followers with you like magic!" Thanks a lot! I think that's one of the most important feature for a decentralized network!
@downey indeed, often organisations want to "commercially exploit" Free Software if they prefer non-protecting licences. For real commercial use most organisations prefer protecting licenses or other legal constructs like a strong governance body to guarantee a level playing field. But why introduce and maintain another legal layer if the right license choice does already the trick?
@jaywink That's a good idea, having a small homeserver just for the bridge and then connect to it with another server. I'm just looking in the idea of a WhatsApp bridge for the family but would prefer to keep the "main" matrix server hosted somewhere else because afaik a matrix server can quickly need quite some resources if you join big rooms. cc @AugierLe42e
@jaywink As you know quite a lot about Matrix bridges. Would it be possible to install for example a WhatsApp bridge on a random server and connect to it with a account? All instructions for bridges I saw assume that I can make adjustments to the Matrix server itself. The concept of bridges would be really powerful if the bridge would be independent from the Matrix server and I could invite the bridge from any server to a room. cc @AugierLe42e
@jaywink thanks for the background information. Indeed I use Riot and I now enabled bot notifications in the Riot settings. I have to wait now until one of the RSS feeds gets updated but I hope this will solve it.
I created a #Matrix room with a RSS bot but I don't get a notification when a new RSS item pops up. In the room settings I have enabled notification for all messages. Is it by intention that bot's don't trigger notifications? Sounds odd.
It seems like these days you no longer need a postit on your monitor with the password. Just put all your passwords in your password book. 🤦♂️ #security#passwords
@t0rt0i53 Die Alternativen gibt es. Man muss nur mal über den Tellerrand hinaus schauen. Ich habe den Podcast noch nicht gehört aber da es sich um eine Schweizer Lehrerin handelt könnte sie mal nach Bern schauen. #Base4Kids macht es mit #Nextcloud, #Collabora, #Moodle und anderen Komponenten vor. Aber wenn Freie Software nicht unbedingt im Fokus eines Investors stehen würde, würde mich das nicht überraschen. Cc @kuketzblog
Im 21. Jahrhundert müssen wir beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit immer auch unseren digitalen Lebensraum mit berücksichtigen. Deswegen war Bits&Bäume letztes Jahr so wichtig. #Nachhaltigkeit#Digitalisierung#FreieSoftware#Politik
Coordinator Germany & GA member at #FSFE; Co-founder of #Nextcloud; Interested in #FreeSoftware, #DigitalFreedom, #federation, #education, #politics, #sustainability, #green