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Notices by Stephen Sekula (, page 6
Glorious # cookie # baking day! @ jodi
From on Mastodon: In zwei Wochen: Öffentlicher Vortrag über die Suche nach Dunkler Materie von Benno Willke. 🗓️ 26.10.2023, 18:00-20:00 Uhr ➡️ Leibnizhaus, Leibnizsaal, Holzmarkt 5, 30159 Hannover ℹ️ https://www. geschichte-der-erforschung-der-schwarzen-materie-technikgeschichte Bild: NASA, ESA, M.J. Jee und H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University) # WissKomm # DunkleMaterie # DarkMatter # Hannover
If you want to spend a day underground @ SNOLAB in the hunt for # darkmatter , check out this # audiodiary / # podcast . And, yes ... the toilets are kinda amazing. From: @ steve https:// ve/110882199961885868
“A conversation with # NobelPrize winner Claudia Goldin” # MarketPlace # podcast https://www. ace-morning-report/a-conversation-with-nobel-prize-winner-claudia-goldin/
Could not see any of the eclipse today ... but this will do. # rainbow
From on Mastodon: My view of the # annular # eclipse from Winnemucca, NV. Clouds thinned at just the right moment.
From on Mastodon: The clouds literally parted enough in # Seattle to enjoy the first half of the # eclipse . Dig that huge sunspot! # eclipse2023 # WestSeattle
From on Mastodon: A picture with a Galaxy smartphone looking through an H-Alpha scope at the eclipse. I have a bunch of video taken with a proper camera I'll process later. We called this gigantic prominence the "Lobster"! # Astrophotography # AmateurAstronomy # Eclipse # Sun
From on Mastodon: The best live video of Baily's Beads from today's # AnnularSolarEclipse I've found in numerous webcasts was in NASA's stream from Kerrville in Texas: see https:// 14/live-blog-zur-ringformigen-sonnenfinsternis-2/ for more timesteps. And now watch https://www. 8 from Costa Rica (at the very edge) where annularity should begin at 18:02 UTC.
From on Mastodon: Couldn't find the colander, using the cocktail sieve for the eclipse. # eclipse 🌙
From on Mastodon: The Annular Solar Eclipse, taken from Junction, Texas. 80mm refractor, Nikon D750, home-made solar filter. # astrodon # astronomy # astrophotography # solareclipse # eclipse # annulareclipse # eclipse2023
From on Mastodon: Rainy skies are expected in here in Northeast Ohio today for the *partial eclipse* we might have seen from our location, so here are two places where you can view the *annular eclipse* event live, online: NASA TV — Live coverage begins at 11:30 AM EDT online and on TV -- https://www. Time and Date -- Live stream begins at 10:30 AM EDT -- https://www. U
# Students (ages 4-19) are invited to submit design concepts for a # DarkMatter themed poster for the @ SNOLAB # DarkMatterDay poster contest! https://www. -a-dark-matter-themed-poster-design-contest/
From jodi on Mastodon: I can’t wait to see what students create! https://www. -a-dark-matter-themed-poster-design-contest/
A Work Vacation: Notes on a Trip to Kingston What is a work vacation? It's when you keep working but do it from a different location than your work site. My own experience with this is that doing this can vastly improve productivity while serving the interests of your employer and yourself. Last week, I had something of a work vacation when I traveled for work from Sudbury to Kingston to conduct activities at Queen's University. https:// 23/10/11/a-work-vacation-notes-on-a-trip-to-kingston/
Thinking about how nice it was to experience fall in # Kingston just ahead of winter/late fall weather descending on # Sudbury .
From on Mastodon: Good explanation of the # NobelPrize in # Physics (at least for me): https:// xrpq5P3gb5
From on Mastodon: WordPress now offers official support for ActivityPub - https://www. 78/wordpress-activitypub-official-plugin-automattic-fediverse-mastodon
From on Mastodon: From carbonates to clays, there's loads of interesting stuff in the OSIRIS-REx sample. https://www. -03178-0
From on Mastodon: Would be hard to overstate what an important milestone this is for the Fediverse and Automattic. Congrats @ pfefferle ! "Automattic announced this morning that the ActivityPub feature is now available across all plans. That means anyone using the hosted version of the open-source WordPress software now has the ability to tie into the fediverse, connecting their blog to federated platforms like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, and others." https:// press-com-blogs-can-now-be-followed-on-mastodon-and-other-federated-platforms/