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Notices by Stephen Sekula (, page 5
From on Mastodon: Here's a chart showing the various mergers detected by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA. Clicking this link takes you to an interactive version that shows data for each merger: https:// ss-plot/index.html Image: LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA / Aaron Geller / Frank Elavsky (Northwestern)
On the way back from the underground lab we stopped at this house, which was hugely displaced from further up the mountain by Nazi bombing in World War II. It is a testament to its construction that it fared so well. Because it is tilted, when you walk inside vertigo or motion sickness sets in immediately. Gravity points one way but the eyes tell a different story, and the ear and eye disagree in the brain. The effect is fast and spectacular.
Had an absolutely WONDERFUL visit to the underground laboratory at # Modane today. Our hosts were so gracious in taking lots of time to discuss ideas and problems and entertain questions. I was particularly excited about discussions of open data and data standards, as well as shield design for their germanium counters. # UndergroundScience # Laboratory # Physics # Biology
Really excellent discussions during the first day of the Multidisciplinary Workshop at Laboratoire Souterrain de # Modane . I was particularly obsessed with some of the # underground biology discussions focused on improving sensitivity in studies of the effect of a lack of # radiation on living organisms. I was deeply obsessed with a discussion of # potassium -40 in the growth medium and how or if K-40 can be reduced/removed by a novel process.
The Journey to Modane It was a good trip from Toronto to Modane. Two planes, two trains, and a bus ... and I was standing at the feet of alpine mountains in beautiful Modane. Here are some scenes from the trip. https:// 23/10/18/the-journey-to-modane/
Good morning (Europe)! I had a good night’s sleep after quite a lengthy and staged trip to # Modane . I am very excited about the multidisciplinary workshop hosted by Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) today. Modane itself is a beautiful town nestled high in the Alps, and I am excited to see the laboratory, represent @ SNOLAB , and learn from colleagues. https:// 2/
Arrived in # Modane ! Time for a shower, food, and sleep! The photo is from the last stop before we had to take a bus the rest of the way. Rock slide damaged the tracks beyond this station, but the bus ride was comfy and fast!
Enjoyed the views coming into the most recent station. Waiting for the first of two regional trains now. Just over 2 hours left in this journey!
From on Mastodon: You can read more about the game in my Techdirt blog post here, but we've been working on this game in some form for years, including conducting over 40 hours of interviews with dozens of trust
From on Mastodon: Not sure why the link didn't show, so let's try that again: https://
Boarded my TGV bound for Chambery Challes! # train # france I am about halfway through today's travel day.
Since I have time to pass before my train, I’ve been watching the airport come alive this early in the morning. It’s quite nice to see the place begin to fill with travelers. I can’t figure out which is more awake right now - this airport or me. My money is on the airport. :-)
Landed in Paris. Short flight, and I did not sleep much... which I expected. This is going to be a loooong day. :-)
Boarded my flight to Paris. Looking forward to a little sleep before landing early tomorrow.
Arrived in NY a little while ago. Had to change terminals and redo security screening ... something I have not missed doing at this airport. :-) Enjoying lunch and catching up on some work before the flight to Paris.
Boarded my flight to New York, and was surprised to have been automatically upgraded at no cost for 1st class. I guess my 17 year boycott of this airline just officially came to an emotional end. https:// 06/08/12/test-243/
Travelogue: From Sudbury to Modane (and back again) This week will be something of an intense travel exercise. I am off to a 2-day workshop at the Modane Underground Laboratory on the border of France and Italy. To get there, I leave on a flight (today) from Toronto to Paris, connecting through New York. This puts me into Paris in the early morning on Tuesday, leaving me plenty of time to catch a high-speed TGV train in the late morning. https:// 23/10/16/travelogue-from-sudbury-to-modane-and-back-again/
“Ring of fire eclipse was amazing appetizer for what’s coming in April” https:// (links to a gifted article in the # WashingtonPost ) # eclipse # astronomy
From on Mastodon: @ UlrikeHahn - Mastodon is not hard. That's just silly. - It doesn't matter what instance you join, you can even operate your own instance where you'd always own your content. If you don't want to do that, join FediScience ( https:// ), or sign up for any other Mastodon instance. - Lot's of scientists are already here ( https:// ics-on-mastodon ). - Open distributed systems are cool, and the wave of the future. Become part of the Fediverse.
Thus it begins! I drove from # Sudbury to # Toronto today to get ready for a 1 week trip to the # Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) in Modane, France. There is a 2-days workshop there mid-week. I fly from Toronto to Paris via New York, leaving tomorrow morning. I’ll be in Modane Tuesday evening (multiple trains from Paris). I train back to Paris Friday morning, then grab a flight to Toronto via Washington D.C. It will be a short and intense trip.