The message was sent during a power outage at about 1:45 a.m., but it contained the additional warning of a “zombie alert for Lake Worth and Terminus,”
The notice declared: “There are now far less than seven-thousand-three-hundred-eighty customers involved due to extreme zombie activity.”
@UberGeek >you cannot unilaterally change the rules for a place you move into. You do not get to decide all of the rules, just because you want to; when everyone else has agreed to them already.
Except if you're the government, of course. I'm thinking of Manifest Destiny and the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Native Americans.
I'm on American land and not Kickapoo land. It used to be Kickapoo land, but somebody moved in and changed the rules.
@gastongarciao I've been looking for a handset with a phone form-factor which doesn't have GPS or cell capabilities, since I don't use any of that. Basically, a 5 inch tablet. What I am looking for does not seem to exist.
"...In order to fabricate “consent” where there is none, believers in “authority” add another, even more bizarre, step to the mythology: the notion of “implied consent.” The claim is that, by merely living in a town, or a state, or a country, one is “agreeing” to abide by whatever rules happen to be issued by the people who claim to have the right to rule that town, state, or country. The idea is that if someone does not like the rules, he is free to leave the town, state, or country altogether, and if he chooses not to leave, that constitutes giving his consent to be controlled by the rulers of that jurisdiction.
"Though it is constantly parroted as gospel, the idea defies common sense. It makes no more sense than a carjacker stopping a driver on a Sunday and telling him, “By driving a car in this neighborhood on Sunday, you are agreeing to give me your car.” One person obviously cannot decide what counts as someone else “agreeing” to something. An agreement is when two or more people communicate a mutual willingness to enter into some arrangement. Simply being born somewhere is not agreeing to anything, nor is living in one’s own house when some king or politician has declared it to be within the realm he rules. It is one thing for someone to say, “If you want to ride in my car, you may not smoke,” or “You can come into my house only if you take your shoes off.” It is quite another to try to tell other people what they can do on their own property. Whoever has the right to make the rules for a particular place is, by definition, the owner of that place. That is the basis of the idea of private property: that there can be an “owner” who has the exclusive right to decide what is done with and on that property. The owner of a house has the right to keep others out of it and, by extension, the right to tell visitors what they can and cannot do as long as they are in the house.
"And that sheds some light on the underlying assumption behind the idea of implied consent. To tell someone that his only valid choices are either to leave the “country” or to abide by whatever commands the politicians issue logically implies that everything in the “country” is the property of the politicians. If a person can spend year after year paying for his home, or even building it himself, and his choices are still to either obey the politicians or get out, that means that his house and the time and effort he invested in the house are the property of the politicians. And for one person’s time and effort to rightfully belong to another is the definition of slavery. That is exactly what the “implied consent” theory means: that every “country” is a huge slave plantation, and that everything and everyone there is the property of the politicians. And, of course, the master does not need the consent of his slave.
"The believers in “government” never explain how it is that a few politicians could have acquired the right to unilaterally claim exclusive ownership of thousands of square miles of land, where other people were already living, as their territory, to rule and exploit as they see fit. It would be no different from a lunatic saying, “I hereby declare North America to be my rightful domain, so anyone living here has to do whatever I say, If you don’t like it, you can leave.”
"There is also a practical problem with the “obey or get out” attitude, which is that getting out would only relocate the individual to some other giant slave plantation, a different “country.” The end result is that everyone on earth is a slave, with the only choice being which master to live under. This completely rules out actual freedom. More to the point, that is not what “consent” means.
"The belief that politicians own everything is demonstrated even more dramatically in the concept of immigration “laws.” The idea that a human being needs permission from politicians to set foot anywhere in an entire country - the notion that it can be a “crime” for someone to step across an invisible line between one authoritarian jurisdiction into another - implies that the entire country is the property of the ruling class. If a citizen is not allowed to hire an “illegal alien,” is not allowed to trade with him, is not even allowed to invite an “illegal” into his own home, then that individual citizen owns nothing, and the politicians own everything."
@PapaVanTwee I use a Nexus 5 right now. Bought used for $40 bucks, and suits my needs fine. Can still get latest Android patches using the Lineage OS rom.
The hardware is probably compromised and back-doored, but what phone isn't these days?
Doesn't really seem like it's a free-choice sort of thing if the only reason somebody does it is fear of being locked in a cage. Kind of sounds like being held hostage to me.
@saltorito The people here run the gamut, it's quite the cesspool. This epic blocklist may help you find who to federate with. Hint: not the people that maintain an ever-growing blacklist.