@nick@nolan yup. It was pointed out well down in that thread that a lot of people don't like email, and making comparisons to it does not help your argument. Which is reasonable, although depressing.
@nolan fair. Certainly the ones I personally really dislike are not actually scrollbars at all but a from-scratch implementation which only does half the stuff a scrollbar should, rather than a retheme of the actual proper scrollbar with some CSS. It's just that the two posts crossed my timeline at roughly the same time and I thought the synchronicity was interesting :)
@nolan I don't particularly endorse all the views in this Twitter thread (https://twitter.com/xkeepah/status/1067162000734613504), and I certainly don't endorse the tone of it, but custom scrollbars in general are pretty annoying in my experience anyway, without doing extra browser-sniffing work on them...
@philnash hrm. I hadn't heard of dev.to. So I went to have a look, and it seems kinda like a place for people to add interesting posts and pointers to things? Sorta like reddit, or lobste.rs, etc. There's an About link in the footer. But there's also infinite scroll. So I can't click on the about link because when I scroll down to it, the footer leaps away again. So if you're looking for a second contribution to make, that might be one 🙂
Massively annoyed at apps that go "beep" so I know _something_ is alerting me, but I have no idea what it is or what the alert was for. Use the damn system notification system!
@ted@federicomena yeah. It'd be good to see more upstreams publishing a snap rather than a tar.gz file with a readme, or just telling people to clone github master. It's good that the teams at flatpak and snappy are sending patches upstream to help people do that; hopefully eventually it'll become normalised (and so users will start saying "where's your snap" rather than "oh you've got a snap/flatpak/etc").