lnxw48a1 (lnxw48a1@nu.federati.net)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Mar-2024 18:52:25 EDT
lnxw48a1We have been reading “Charlotte’s Web” and “The Wizard of Oz” with #GS3 and #GS4 recently. The five year old likes the wiz so much that he carries the book to bed with him, so it doesn’t disappear. (Quite a valid fear with his youngest brother around; the middle child did the same thing at that age.
He’s also not getting enough sleep because his brothers are loud enough to wake him before he is ready. As a big boy, he resists #naptime. I mention this because he usually falls asleep during the afternoon video about the animal of the week, but if he had taken his nap 💤, he would have the time and energy to see two or three.
Dansup generally tries to do the right thing (other than trying too hard to clone existing #corpocentric #socnets), but app-centrism is another way we end up taking too much control of our users' lives.
More about the attack. At least 133 dead, according to #Russia reports. #Islamic_State affiliate in #Afghanistan believed involved as revenge for 2015 intervention in #Syria.
The "hint" function told me that my field names were wrong, but every time I looked, they looked correct. Finally, their Ape-Eye (AI) had to show me the difference in that specific field.
Find an alternative. There is no assurance that there won't be another license change in 2-3 years to force other groups of users to pay for the commercial license.
I sympathize, as they probably have several big corporations and cloud providers using Redis without doing anything to benefit anyone other than themselves. No funds, no code, no support, no documentation, no staffing, no marketing.
@jay 🌺:disabled_heart: People are still allowed to use Redis as long as they don't sell Redis services, but it's probably safest for people to move to a drop-in replacement like KeyDB or the new Redict.
Is it used only for Sidekiq? Does Sidekiq require Redis or are there options?
Last weekend, while my son and daughter-in-law were out of town for their first weekend away from the kids, #GS4 had a medical issue and I had to drive him to the doctor's office.
Thus, it is likely that exposure to the doctor gave me a cold.
It is getting better, and will probably be gone completely in another day or two.
The cold seems to have sapped my energy. I've been doing an hour or so of #DataCamp, plus another hour or so of #Coursera each night, but recently it is either one or the other.