@mike_hales Cooperative management of shared infrastructure is path to "libre." A more libertarian approach is decentralization and federation around fixed (or cooperatively managed?) protocols which deemphasize the need for shared infrastructure in some way.
If we believe that effective cooperatives will be limited in scale or scope, a combination of the two may be necessary. This is more or less what we have here at social.coop which is part of a larger federated network.
You can now watch my #LibrePlanet keynote (edited w/ slides) about how firms and markets have coopted the free culture and free software movement's most powerful weapon (mass collaboration) and where that leaves us. https://mako.cc/copyrighteous/libreplanet-2018-keynote
Check out my (~15m) talk at @opendevconf@twitter.com where I explain why it's critical that free/libre/open source software projects shouldn't rely on proprietary tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_nK6nP_RCY
I imported my old (and otherwise unavailable) Kuro5hin diary entries from ~15 years ago into my Wordpress blog. I also shared the code I used if you want to do the same. https://mako.cc/copyrighteous/my-kuro5hin-diary-entries