All those lines and spaces on sheet music represent the white keys on a piano. They're sharped or flatted by putting the little symbol next to the note.
The key signature is the pattern of sharps or flats that define a key.
🎼 marks G. Middle C on a 61 key piano is in the 4th octave.
You can have a long music career just playing the white or black keys. Are they popular because they sound good, or do they sound good because they're what 99% of music is made in? Mystery
"Kye, what the heck is the difference between a scale and a key and a mode?"
I'm so glad you asked!
Scales are made up of a collection of notes. Kind of like a painter's pallet.
Those notes--also known as steps or semitones--are found by a pattern of half and whole steps. That pattern is the scale. Where it starts from is the mode of that scale. So D Major is a mode of the Major scale starting on D. Same pattern!
I don't know what a key is, but it's probably another word for mode.
I've never seen an example of capitalism working well that didn't depend on public funding. It's almost as if balance works better than trying to go all-or-nothing.
The fun thing about being nonbinary and bi is I get to fry the minds of people who got their understanding of pansexuality from a Tumblr post in 2011 and think bi means trans/enbyphobic.
What if I told you you can use all the Serum instruments from my upcoming EP without owning Serum, in your favorite sampler? All for the low, low price of $1.
Hear that music in there? My laptop hated it. I tried a screen recording to show the cool little lines moving around, but it wasn't happening.
I need a new computer if I'm going to do music seriously. But it's not just a computer: none of my tools are up to the task. I've squeezed all I can out of them over the last five years, and I'm at the limit.
Toss some money in there and let's make some dang music.
Hear that music in there? My laptop hated it. I tried a screen recording to show the cool little lines moving around, but it wasn't happening.
I need a new computer if I'm going to do music seriously. But it's not just a computer: none of my tools are up to the task. I've squeezed all I can out of them over the last five years, and I'm at the limit.
Toss some money in there and let's make some dang music.
Logged in to delete my accounts after the policy change and found I was spared the trouble with a ban. Guess I was right to be wary about investing time/energy on there with no details on the person/people behind it.
How about this thing: record a sound you think is cool (wav format), upload it somewhere, and send me a link. I'll turn some of them into Serum wavetables and make a tiny little melody from them.
How about this thing: record a sound you think is cool (wav format), upload it somewhere, and send me a link. I'll turn some of them into Serum wavetables and make a tiny little melody from them.
How about this thing: record a sound you think is cool, upload it somewhere, and send me a link. I'll turn some of them into Serum wavetables and make a tiny little melody from them.