My life would be so less complicated and my mind so much more sorted if I knew and never doubted the differences between actions borne from ignorance and actions made out of malice.
#Introduction Hola Mastodon! I am called Wil, sometimes Wil Realms. I joined a few days ago, after having read a thought-provoking article on the merits of decentralized networks. (s/o #kotaku 's staff writer). I'm particularly invested in alternative modes of communication as I study and apply the methodologies of #afrofuturist#african thought.
The cards so far are encouraging: Strength for Karmic Destiny, Four of Wands for what brought us together as a couple. His side is pentacles (consciously 6, subconsciously 9); mine is Swords (subconsciously Ace, consciously King). Short term Outcome: Judgement. Long term outcome: Queen of Pentacles. No Cups, No Lovers, but no Death, Tower or Devil, either. I wish I could keep in mind how miraculous my birth is given how vast the Andromeda Galaxy is. I'm grateful for the angelic and soulful people who deigned to befriend me through any of my mastodon.* accounts.
@wftl Bienvenue. My @cosullivan account is my primary one and I learn linux-stuff there (SDF is a Public Access Unix System). I'll be happy to follow you there.
Today's episode of "Cooking With Linux (without a net)" starts in 5 minute or so, as soon as I finish my avocado, hummus, sriracha, and cheese wrap. Come be part of the show at