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Mental Health (depression) group
the thing I was thinking about is if there was something Music Manumit, blocSonic, or maybe the #CCMA could do for people in the community with mental health issues. There's no reason not to use the connections I already have, even if I can't be as involved in those projects as I was. !ccmusic !ccmsc !musicians !depression
I probably should use the !mentalhealth group more, but meh Mastodon.
Long story short, after a long, *mostly* self-induced hiatus, I am back on !adhd mediation. We'll see how things go. This will be the first time since changing jobs.
my !adhd is so bad. I was thinking about making an album. Then I was thinking about recruiting people to make a Heaven & Hell album to be the first release on blocSonic.
If someone does want to make a Heaven & Hell album and release it on blocSonic, though, do let me know. !ccmusic
Luckily, I caught myself, unlike with the #CCMA.
Not that anyone is going to join considering Mastodon doesn't do groups, but I started the !depression group for !mentalhealth aliased also as !adhd !suicide
It seems like at least in the past aliases have been less reliable than the actual name, which is which why I went with depression rather than mental health. It's not that much shorter, but I feel like two work aliases have more likelihood for typos anyway.