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Vinyl (vinyl) group
Is there some cool !vinyl shops in Copenhagen?
@dolfsquare Belle platine, au passage ! !vinyl
@pla1 @craigmaloney I began to buy !vinyl again around 2000, got 800 of 'em right now. And my digital music files database is 700 Go. :)
Just get a nice Record's Day item.
Un vieux rêve : streamer online la sortie de ma table de mixage, histoire de passer des !vinyl en direct sur un coin du web. Mais j'aurais besoin d'un peu d'aide pour la partie technique, je pense.
An old dream: to stream online the output of my mixing table, in order to play vinyl record, live, on a web's corner. I think I need some help, for the technical part.
!listening #PouetRadio !lazyweb
Just get some !vinyl, of which Felt by Nils Frahm…
cc !vinyl
As my girlfriend is busy mixing Jazz, Free Jazz, Electric Miles, I am busy browsing the web to add items in my wantlist… !listening !vinyl
@goofy cc !vinyl
@igor yes there is a !vinyl group: