Canada's privacy commissioner is officially recommending Canadians pay cash when buying cannabis, in order to protect their privacy, and to provide only enough information for stores to verify their age.
People who reported higher organic food scores were less likely to be diagnosed with #cancer than the rest of the group. For example, those who consumed the most organic food were 25 percent less likely to have cancer, according to the research. That number grew to more than half when looking at cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Buying #cannabis online or with a credit card will *probably* not get you barred from entering the US, but it's still probably best to pay cash at a brick-and-mortar store if it's an option in your area and you plan on traveling to the US in the near future.
I'm a white, queer, non-binary, non-monogamous gaymer trans dude. I use he/him/his pronouns. In no order except off the top of my head, here's some interests/related tags:
There might end up being TOO MUCH weed in the legal market in Canada, at least initially, as suppliers rush to meet demand and out compete one another for market dominance. In theory, this should keep prices low for the time being. Is this a rare example of capitalism favouring the consumer?
Let's play a game, to help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same. #introductions
#Alcaliber, de la que Torreal controla el 60% y Sanofi el 40%, es uno de los grandes grupos de la industria médica de estupefacientes. La empresa, con sede en #España, es líder en producción de #morfina, con el 27% de la producción mundial. También produce el 18% de la #tebaína, otro alcaloide opiáceo usado en numerosos fármacos. Cuenta con licencia exclusiva para producir la planta ***Papaver Somniferum***, comúnmente conocida como #Adormidera, o Amapola Real, que contiene componentes químicos de los que se deriva el #opio.
#Cannabis inhaler could help send Brits suffering with insomnia to sleep in ten minutes, inventors - Tests show a single toke at bedtime can trigger sleep in as little as ten minutes.
Researchers found users doze deeply and wake up refreshed with no unpleasant side-effects.
Medics who invented the inhaler say it contains enough of the illicit drug to have a sedative effect – without getting users high.
The device resembles an asthma puffer – costs around £100.