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Notices by PlatinumKatie (, page 5
They're basically going on about companies they've bought out currently.
Yknow when Disney flaunts it's wealth?
Basically that.
"Amplifying our investment in new worlds"
>Shows the minecraft logo
...So...buddy...the dictionary...
This crowd genuinely sounds more excited for Forza than anything else they've heard so far.
what world is this.
@maiyannah many console players (And Masochistic PC players) are going on about it being great.
It's fucking BROKEN on PC, there's not been an update in ages.
It might be great...but most of the PC playerbase will never find out.
A CAR UNIRONICALLY JUST SAID "Hello there, wanna drift?"
Oh they even got a guy out to talk about it.
Don't you tell me it's innovative mate.
It's a racing game.
It's like telling me that Fifa is mindblowing.
Now showing another Forza so...
Racing games, not even once.
They showed some Kingdom Hearts 3 before that.
It baffles me so much. That looked like a mad knockoff.
They didn't even get the original disney voice actors >.>
@maiyannah @postmesmeric
Not what I said or meant.
I said/meant, I don't approve bias sources.
But if someone trusts biased sources, as many people seem to be doing.
It confuses me they'll pay attention to the biased source of E3, but not another biased source.
When the only real difference when they're both biased, is that one made it sound bad, and one made it sound good.
Showing more Sea of Thieves now so checked out
Seriously, the bits of that looked like what most of the Fallout fans I've seen seem to want.
The bits of 76 looked like a rehash of 4 (certainly not what most wanted)
@maiyannah @postmesmeric
Which is such a fucking shame if it is good.
...As noted before, I don't know if it will be but...
The fact that I know for many people, just like Andromeda, they'll be so biased it doesn't matter, irks me.
@maiyannah @postmesmeric
E3 is just as much a PR thingy.
People shouldn't really trust PR sources, my point was just...if people are judging purely by E3...then by their own basis you'd expect them to also look at the game informer article. If they're welcoming bias sources and judging it all from that, yknow?
They showed Fallout 76 at the conference, and now they're showing Metro.
And honestly, depressingly, Metro looks far more what a Fallout fan would actually want, than 76 did.
Reminder that Nier Automata on PC is still a bug riddled mess they have no intention of fixing.
My head is fuzzy again and my body stings something fierce, so time to go into a medication haze once more it seems.
(excuse the typo, I was directly quoting and I like to keep quotes precisely as they were)
"TIL Chris Brown is currently banned from entereng the UK, Australia, and New Zealand due to his criminal history."
We still play the utter fuckhead on the radio tho, so clearly fine with giving him money anyways.
Yeah...sorry Alex, again, for my post there coming across a bit harsh and ranty. I get too bothered about this stuff >.>
I can understand that. From what's been said, Microtransactions are purely cosmetic (they actually announced this at E3 to a cheer) which...I'd like to live in a culture in which there wasn't a cheer to that, because we expect better. But at least they're held to that for future. Most people don't care about microtransactions for cosmetic stuff, as long as it doesn't lock off gameplay, and that's certainly what it sounds like.
To EA rushing it...yeah maybe, I'm not sure. They are promising a -lot- from that gameinformer article (well from my perspective anyways, others have said it all sounds really generic so...what do I know) but it's also been delayed a few times and been worked on since...2011 I think? (Somewhere around then) so...we'll see. They've had quite a while.