Avoiding #Handegg related madness. Noticed some people boycotting the NFL over the knee business, however, I'm finding #RightToRepair more interesting.
R2R is a movement underlining the dangers of the #DMCA in a classic showdown between Big Tractor (John Deere and friends), American Farmers, and Eastern European hax0rs. Clearly, I'm on the side of whomever drinks more borscht. Mediocre (but reasonable) video presentation on VICE, but the commercials are nauseating: http://bit.ly/2Edo7Ya
This is the problem with a lot of folks who think of themselves as "conservatives". They are trying to at once hold to a classically liberal worldview while also trying to take what they think of as a conservative position. The problem is, true conservatism, al la Edmund Burke, is rooted in the idea that the universe has a righteous king and that our lives and societies must reflect that reality on every level.
@Combaticus@GummyNerds@yukiame@ScottALavender@SLRock There's a reconciliation in 2 Cor 3:17, "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The problem becomes the definition of liberty -- not just on paper/ideologically, but how it's lived and applied.
I walk into a talk on HTML5 video. Look up the speaker’s company. In their privacy policy, they state that they share personal data for advertising, do not honour Do Not Track, etc. I think I was just confused about #FOSDEM because they mention “free software” and “libré” alongside “open source”. The love affair with #adtech I’m seeing makes sense if they’re just an “open source” conference. So, my bad, it’s just not what I thought it was based on how it brands itself.
Pleased to find my linux_balancer vpn route (not sure geographically with this one) doesn't allow me to visit slate.com. That's what I call public service!
Blue River Technology, the Silicon Valley agricultural robotics startup that’s using computer vision and machine learning to identify weeds in the field and spray herbicide on them autonomously.
@johnww2@xahlee If there is a THE DICHOTOMY, it's Life and Death. Light and Darkness. With God or Against God. We know those are true because they are simple and elegant. I can't guess how many words it would take you to build Individualism up as any sort of virtue or as some end to be achieved.
The individual doesn't exist. Try talking to another individual about it and watch the theory transcendentally self-mutilate.