Really interesting random research today.
That took me to bootstrappable builds:
Really interesting.
cc @Shamar
Really interesting random research today.
That took me to bootstrappable builds:
Really interesting.
cc @Shamar
@aral I use Goyo plugin for Vim and Pandoc for this.
Take a look, you'll like it.
@Osoitz @izaro El otro día hablaba con @ondiz sobre Grindr. Una red social para homosexuales que te pide que indiques si tienes VIH y si eres pasivo o activo.
En serio eso es lo único que importa?
Esa es la imagen que los desarrolladores tienen sobre los homosexuales?
Es una imagen un tanto rancia, no os parece?
Pero resulta que los homosexuales la están usando... Le estamos siguiendo el rollo a alguien que no quiere nada bueno de nosotros, sólo el dinero. Y no nos entiende ni le interesa.
Babies, if your client (a company) is in a hurry (because they delayed the project too much) remember to charge them with a higher price. Why?
- The project is going to drain your energy -> remember, they want it for yesterday
- They are irresponsible -> remember they delayed the project too much
- They need you *right now* so they will pay for it.
What if they don't want to accept that price?
That's even better because you'll lose a project which looks like a real problem.
I don't loop.
I reduce.
@aral @alcinnz Blockchains have much more things than Merkle Trees that are actually awesome. The capitalistic dream part is just bullshit, but I'd say most parts of bitcoin (or even ethereum and others) are a great source of inspiration.
I had to learn about them for a course I gave and, damn, this is much more interesting (and complex!) than I thought.
Friendly reminder: nobody gets rich working.
Maybe de newcomers don't know I made a Mastodon art gallery called #Artodon
Anytime you make an art piece and you tag it with #mastoart it appears there!!
A friend and started this project to analyze the society of our city (Bilbao). The first study started with the gentrification. I'm sorry it's only in Spanish. I hope you like it!
Un amigo y yo hemos empezado este proyecto donde analizamos la sociedad de Bilbao, comenzando por la gentrificación. Espero que os guste.
@ingoberlab [...] That architecture forces the FairCoin community to *really* know each miner owner in real life, because they need to receive the valid private keys for the mining.
Energy consumption is obviously reduced, there's no high difficulty because there's no competition, the blocks are mined fast and the prize is really low (also the fees are decided by the community and they stay lower than a cent).
The mining is just the network saying: "your turn".
Did I explain it well?
@ingoberlab [...] The cooperation is based on a Round-robin style. But this can only be done thanks to the architecture of FairCoin, where the miners are owned by well-known people in the FairCoin community (which has a lot of meatspace life).
So, the round-robin like mining has also another point to reach consensus. If 7 miners are taking part, the miner who has to mine the block needs at least 5 signatures of the others. That way nobody is going to mine more than what the network accepts[...]
@ingoberlab I think I can. Well, Bitcoin's PoW is based on a competition, miners needs to solve a problem as fast as they can. The first is the only one to take the incentive (a prize).
The algorithm is basically choose random numbers until the SHA-256 of the block they are mining is smaller than the difficulty that the network choose. That's just a computational problem -> high energy consumption.
FairCoin mines the blocks in a cooperative way... [Follows]
@aral Yeah, I know but I don't really care about that if the software is free software.
Most of the things in this world are made by corporations or VCs. I'm not into that for myself, but if I were really strict about that I'd never use anything.
IPFS is interesting, it works fine and it's free software. It's ok for me. What I don't like is Protocol Labs, but the technology itself is fair IMO.
Get what I mean?
I released for sale the #faircoin payment module I made for #prestashop
It was developed for a local shop in Bilbao and the code is released as free software too.
@auroch @xiroux @kim The thing with that kind of places is that people doesn't really enjoy the feeling of a cafeteria.
Some time ago I discussed here with people from the US who said if you stay a long time in a café the owner gets mad.
I can't understand that. :)
Young people is starting to visit too much McShit and CrapKing and finally they are getting used to that "gimme your money and get the fuck out of here".
I'm a "slow food" guy. We need more slow food.
Reality touch.
Lukaku talking about his life before football.
The sad part is nobody is going to take action about the way he lived. It's better for the media to use the story to make people cry but when it comes to the reality nobody is going to do shit. Like they all are going to get rich playing football or something...
It's a really hard reading.
Now I have good reasons to push a little bit more in this project I proposed to #AndMyAxe team.
You have to join #AndMyAxe !
@inmysocks doesn't have good ideas always (he does) but this was a great one.
PS: I hate you @aral LOL
Yesterday I received an email from an italian company who is using some of the software I coded in for a local shop.
That's why we release our shit as Free Software.
We change the world a little.
You can't predict the impact you have!
Sunday horror code: md5('240610708') == md5('QNKCDZO')
The two strings have different hashes. PHP just converts the strings, which both start with "0e" to floating point numbers of value 0.0; and these are equal.
Source in the birdsite:
Telecom Engineer. Creator.FreeSoftware. Ethics.Jack of all trades, master of some.en/es/eu author and mantainer
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