as if they don't make money on us just by owning property, and couldn't just go to the rental board to get someone evicted (and wages garnished) for nonpayment.
like somebody posted the other day, we already live in an autocratic regime. the power is just distributed among a bunch of unaccountable private bureaucracies dedicated to extracting as much biopower from you as possible.
landlords get fucked. i'm trying to transfer my lease (which means I have to find a new applicant), and they're asking my applicants to find guarantors who can pay the rent with 20% of their income (on top of normal proof of work and past rentals). that's way higher than the median income here, and my apartment is not very expensive. i'm pretty angry.
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he is two vast and trunkless legs of stone standing in the desert. Says visage is half sunk and shattered. Says nothing beside remains. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Ozymandias, King of Kings, is in town tonight. Go and see him. Look on his Works, ye Mighty, and despair." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Ozymandias, King of Kings."
I have a feeling that the rise of Sci Hub and slow crumbling of Elsevier is a big deal. People have an innnate intuition that in a realm of abundance, artificial scarcity is abhorrent. Now to extend this intuition to other domains
I NEED to know the source of these two delightful images, allegedly 1987.
"To Be Young And Online: Youth Explore Databases, Find Friends In Forums"
I especially want to know what happened to Kawasaki Boy. Radical haircut and image makeover once he started surfing Compuserve, or did he just get... traded in for a new one? And the bike actually belongs to Tennis PC Girl but she doesn't like to drive?
@riga “You’re basically sinful because your distant ancestors ate some forbidden fruit, and you would have to go to hell for that, but for some awesome guy who got nailed to a cross so you could be forgiven. But, that’s just a reprieve. Don’t mess it up, or you’re back to Hell.”