It's like watching them pay someone to punch the public in the face. Imagine the kind of privacy-respecting social web platform you could develop using #FreeCode, and host in the #PublicInterest, with $NZ100 million a year.
@em also introducing the brand new aggressive modes for computers, which will speed it up but occasionally cause explosions, automatic doors, which are more responsive but sometimes open up into the demon-realm, and freezers, which will pause decomposition but occasionally reverse it and release live cows into your kitchen
I guess I only just realised that Star Wars is very specifically an American mythology in almost exactly the same way that Lord of the Rings is an English mythology.
LOTR: deeply pessimistic and quietly a bit racist story about the old upper class losing their empire, right around the time England was losing its.
SW: a 'greatest hits' of USA pop self-image released right at the Bicentenary: War of Independence, Wild West, WW2, space, computers. Brash farmboy accidentally saves world.
Hardcore FP people: can someone please point me towards an explanation of why one would prefer a Maybe type (Some T | None) over a Nullable type (T | null)? Can't you just use all the abstractions you would have done on Maybe on a Nullable instead?
Seriously, labour consciousness among software devs when?
So many of y'all create incredible foundations for companies to take and use in proprietary work, make bank, and leave you strapped for time, money, and/or peace of mind, while screwing over their users for a couple extra bucks. We can do better.
@riga I mean, if we have pretty good FOSS today, just imagine how good it could be if developers could afford to practice their craft without worrying about whether the returns on it would accrue directly to them.
The perennial blindspot of FOSS as an ethic is the fact that people need to be paid for their work in order to get by. The optimistic corollary of this observation is that under communism we would have incredible FOSS in great abundance.
@Elmkast it has that doubly offensive quality of being both ultra racist and a huge distraction from the million legitimate issues that face the province.
good morning, the reason you're infatuated with Japanese Neighborhood Aesthetic so much is because every picture you've ever seen has no on-street parking
It's weird how U.S. dems don't get how wishing 45 was found out for colluding with the russians is such a bad look for them. It basically confirms the beliefs many people have about 'the liberal elite' operating in bad faith.