@inmysocks But isn't "mute" the "silently block" functionality? I always thought that was the difference between mute and block.
Notices by lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2019 10:16:07 EDT lertsenem
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Mar-2019 06:37:48 EDT lertsenem
Neural networks doing pretty impressive shit with images yet again.
GauGAN Turns Doodles into Stunning, Realistic Landscapes | NVIDIA Blog - https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2019/03/18/gaugan-photorealistic-landscapes-nvidia-research/
Good job Nvidia, now I want one to prototype environment art, please.
Gynux (gynux@the.goofs.space)'s status on Sunday, 21-Oct-2018 18:39:00 EDT Gynux
Inktober prompt n21 : drain
"So long !" :)
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Sunday, 24-Jun-2018 02:35:20 EDT lertsenem
I have moving characters, basic speech bubbles, and a very original plot™! I'm en route for the GOTY award! \o/
(tileset curtesy of @scut@itch.io : https://scut.itch.io/7drl-tileset-2018)
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Friday, 22-Jun-2018 13:43:21 EDT lertsenem
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Sunday, 29-Apr-2018 03:03:15 EDT lertsenem
@pnathan Thanks!
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2017 18:03:31 EST lertsenem
Maybe you noticed, but the @showoffhourbot is finally up and running, ready to boost your #showoffhour toots, warn you when the next one starts, and answer your requests according to its (quite limited) capacities. :]
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Saturday, 18-Nov-2017 01:26:13 EST lertsenem
Unpopular opinion: the fact that Mastodon needs some explaining for new users to understand it is actually great and should not be "fixed".
It's a free and easy subject to engage a conversation between strangers, and a good way to demonstrate Mastodon greatest power: shout into the void asking for help, there's a good chance someone will actually answer.
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Monday, 13-Nov-2017 20:08:41 EST lertsenem
Hey people, I went to check on Twitter and decentralization is working!
During the last migration there was only mastodon.social, now there's "the .social server and the .art server".
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Monday, 13-Nov-2017 04:31:48 EST lertsenem
"...Wait, that's just regular Mastodon, right?"
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Thursday, 12-Oct-2017 04:52:26 EDT lertsenem
@halcy Oh, I see what you mean, but I'd like to remind you of another thing...
lertsenem (lertsenem@mastodon.lertsenem.com)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 12:16:36 EDT lertsenem
Gaming on Linux is a lot like being vegan. Both a moral stance and a way to live a healthier life.
Also, you miss out on a lot of good stuff and people look at you incredulously asking why you're doing this to yourself. #gameing