To all #gardeners: I have two #OpenSource tomatoes #Sunviva and five #OpenSource paprika #Chili132x over to give in responsible hands. To be picked up from my home for 5-10 Euro as a contribution towards my expenses and I invite you for a coffee/tee with me and you tell me why you love Open Source and/or gardening.
An alle #Gartenfreunde: Ich habe zwei #OpenSource Tomaten #Sunviva und fünf #OpenSource Paprika #Chili132x in verantwortungsvolle Hände abzugeben. Abzuholen bei mir zu Hause gegen Unkostenbeitrag von 5-10 Euro und ich lade dich auf eine Tasse Kaffee/Tee mit mir ein und du erzählst mir was du an Open Source und/oder am Gärtnern magst.
In the long run, the Parliament seeks the use, promotion and migration to Free Software and #OpenStandards throughout all public administration's processes.
Quote of the day: "In a world defined by software, #access to software decides who has access to our #culture, to our communication tools, about our possibilities in education and at work. #FreeSoftware makes sure that #everyone has the same possibilities to #participate in today’s #society. It fosters collaboration and participation in contrast to proprietary software which divides people and make sure that everyone is on his own."
thanks to the awesome team behind the Open Infrastructure Orbit the video of my talk about #fdroid, its main features and some of the best #FreeSoftware apps (imho) for #Android (or fork) is now online <3
„Prestoner Modell“: #Öffentliche#Einrichtungen vergeben #Aufträge nicht an den günstigsten Anbieter, sondern danach, was der #lokalen#Wirtschaft am meisten nutzt: Kleine, in der Region verankerte Betriebe, statt großer multinationaler Konzerne.
"Wir haben großartige Firmen und wir haben all diese Organisationen, die niemals einfach weiterziehen werden, wie es viele Multis machen.“
"Starting this Thanksgiving I am going to write a complete Unix-compatible software system called #GNU (for Gnu's Not Unix), and give it away free to everyone who can use it."
Original announcement of the GNU Project by Richard #RMS Stallman on September 27, 1983: #HappyBirthday and thanks for all the freedom!