@kensanata@ckeen I had a worm farm at my old flat. It was great. I have regular compost at my new place but intend to upgrade to worms. The compost produced by worms is amazing in the garden. Best crops ever.
@sir@feoh hang on. I just remembered that I only use the bluetooth function sometimes. Other times I plug in with a physical cable. More data is required before actually recommending these, sorry.
@sir@feoh I've had great performance from the Wrapsody headset from Origaudio. Didn't purchase them but got them as a gift, they've worked great on both Fedora and Slackware. Using them for music composition with Qtractor, Super Looper, and similar, no issues that I've noticed so far.
@requiem@feonixrift I do my CV in XML but I can see doing it it markdown for sure. Either way, text is a great way to do a CV. No need for a word processor.
This year, we are holding EmacsConf as an online conference. We will be using free software tools exclusively throughout our infrastructure, with a detailed write-up of our setup coming after the conference.
I've tried a lot of software because of Fosstodon that I probably wouldn't have if I didn't see so many others using it. It's been a good experience. Out of everything I've tried since joining here, I think Tiny Tiny RSS is my favorite. The powerful filters let me easily see the news I care about.