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Notices by Alexandre Oliva (, page 4
Lainucs é um dos jeitos errados de pronunciar GNU :-)
o g é mudo nas palavras inglesas gnu, gnome, gnat, gnash e outras tantas com gn. mas o G do projeto GNU, do qual derivam GNOME, GNAT, Gnash, etc, é pronunciado sim, mesmo em inglês. até porque com o G mudo, GNU operating system ia soar como new operating system, ia ser muito confuso
your post suggests that the ordering of imports doesn't matter. which comes across funny in Portuguese, because the verb for import, "importar", may also mean "to matter". "the ordering of imports doesn't matter" comes out as "a ordem dos imports não importa"
that reminds me of a famous wordplay: "exporting is what matters" comes out as "exportar é o que importa"
copyleft really doesn't restrict, copyright does. copyleft only delimits the permissions so that everyone can do whatever they wish with the software (freedom), but without granting them power to deny that freedom of others (power). without that grant, they can't abuse others because copyright won't allow them: that power remains reserved to authors, as even democratic societies adopted.
now, "use" is a loaded term. a lot of laypeople people misunderstand that as running, but under copyright law, it means adapting, modifying, using parts or the whole of the work to make others. enjoying the work (reading, listening, watching, running) are not reserved. this means copyright law does NOT empower author-itarians to dictate terms of use (execution), only terms of use (adapt, modify). that's why those who wish to dictate such terms resort to contracts (AKA licensing agreements) that, along with permissions to do activities that copyright law reserves exclusively to authors, establish obligations that are alien to copyrights, and require explicit assent, such as click on "I agree", breaking a seal or such.
now, not taking their patches, or not even looking at them, may be foolish. they may have valuable contributions to make, even if operating under oppressive regimes, or even while holding repproachable ideas in their minds. someone once said something about hating the sin, not the sinner; someone more laic said something about not imposing collective punishments. human rights that people often forget when they're driven by (under influence of) propaganda and moral panics
if it is as good a guiding principle as you and I seem to believe it is, it had better be adopted voluntarily by societies at large in democratic ways, not by decree of tyrant author-ities
this is exactly where the attempted analogy with copyleft falls apart: copyright law, widely adopted in democratic societies (to my dismay, but that's another long story), grants authors powers to stop anyone else from adapting, distributing and publishing works of their authorship. copyleft gives up these powers, enabling downstream recipients to have freedom, so that they can control their own computing and do whatever they wish with the software. but copyleft does not grant intermediaries power to deny freedoms of downstream recipients. it doesn't prohibit that either: copyright does. remove copyright, and copyleft becomes ineffective: nobody would need a license to adapt or distribute any more, so the delimitations to the permissions put forth in the license text are irrelevant. that's a feature, not a bug.
but unethical-source licenses exploit another bug, in people's understanding of how copyright works. people have been misled to believe that a license is required to run software, and laypeople, misguided by that belief, have tried to apply copyleft-like constraints to something that is not exclusively reserved to authors. when it comes to running software, copyright law only requires that the copy be obtained legally, so the provisions in unethical-source licenses that attempt to constrain the right to execute are about as inoperant as copyleft would be under no copyright.
so, you see, it's a misguided analogy because it purports to impose in an author-itarian way something that societies should adopt democratically and collectively; it's a false analogy because it fails to understand the primary purpose of enabling and respecting freedom and autonomy, disabling and countering an unjust law no further than needed to that end, while leaving the effects of the unjust law in place to not empower abusers; and it's broken because, failing to understand how copyright and copyleft work, unethical-source licenses are ineffective, misleading, and fail entirely to serve their stated purpose.
they're a well-meant disaster
are you familiar with the phrase "my way or the high way"? that's what your argument amounts to, and it's not a cool position at all. it's not even ethical.
imposing values and behavior though the software is exactly the control and colonization I'm getting at
it's not a given that people can choose not to use the software, as many programs are imposed taxing software
but even if they can opt out, it is still the case that you stand for imposing values, controlling and colonizing users through the software they use.
those who opt out don't use the software, so they're not (your) users, and that's exactly what they need to do to defend freedom
whereas all those who choose to use the software licensed under such abusive terms are indeed controlled and colonized, because of the terms it imposes in a misguided, false and broken analogy with copyleft. I can elaborate on why the analogy is misguided, false and broken if you wish.
ah, puxa, desculpe, eu era bem carnívoro na época que ia lá, não sei se eles conseguem atender bem a vegetarianos. eu ainda como carne às vezes, mais do que eu gostaria (enquanto open vegan, considero-me uma fraude), mas essa transição, mesmo parcial, é relativamente recente. já não vou lá há vários anos, certamente a última vez foi um bom tempo antes da pandemia. mas a lembrança de que comi coisas deliciosas lá ficou.
@felipesiles você tá só de passagem em cosmópolis, ou mora aí? faz tempão que não vou, mas em cosmópolis fica, na minha opinião, o melhor restaurante de fundo de quintal do mundo: o Alho e Óleo. conheci primeiro a filial que havia aqui em Campinas, mas fui algumas vezes até aí por conta desse restaurante :-)
free software is about freedom
it's about not controlling others through the software they use
it's about not imposing one's values over others through the software
it's about not colonizing others
@phnt @mangeurdenuage @phoronix it's so ironic that they hate GPLv3 more than they hate proprietary blobs
they knowingly ship and keep on accepting binary blobs into the kernel even under the GPL, violating the GPL themselves, but they will blocklist freedom-respecting drivers that users can legally build and install under the GPL.
the hypocrisy is delicious
não faz muito tempo que tinha vizinhe estudando cello, sax e piano todo dia. era uma delícia (sério), eu me sentia de volta no tempo em que eu frequentava diariamente a ala de música do instituto de artes da unicamp, em que se ouvia gente praticando música em instrumentos diversos em diversas salinhas vizinhas, numa enorme profusão musical.
infelizmente as sessões de estudo aqui no prédio pararam sem eu jamais descobrir quem era. sinto saudades.
em sistemas GNU/Linux, são via de regra comandos GNU
muitos deles têm sua origem no Unix, então comandos Unix também funciona
mas se você olhar lá nas versões do Linux publicadas pelo sujeito que começou e mantém o Linux até hoje, você não vai encontrar nenhumzinho desses comandos
mas talvez ainda encontre menções antigas de que o Linux sozinho não faz nada, que pro sistema ser útil precisa dos programas do GNU
as empresas e os demais contrarrevolucionários que o cooptaram não os chamam assim por acaso. é um artifício de propaganda para desvalorizar e desqualificar nossa luta por liberdade, ao mesmo tempo em que se apropriam e se vangloriam do que construímos.
enquanto a história for escrita só pelos caçadores de leões, não trará as perspectivas dos GNUs
sex is hardware, gender is software. software is eating the world, and software must be free.
ia ser legal ter um wiktionary de libras
que tal a interface da wikipedia?
será que a wikimedia topa?
wonderful vibes from your post, thank you!
you're on to something that yanis varoufakis recently wrote about: technofeudalism
eu às vezes fico surpreso como o pessoal engole propaganda sem perceber que é propaganda.
aí eu lembro que parece que eu tenho um superpoder relacionado e fico sensibilizado com quem não tem.
mal posso esperar pelas ofertas de block frauday do botcaro :-)
né? 3x4 me lembra das fotos pra documentos de outrora. ou seria outrera? :-)
please help resist these demands for people to carry tracking devices. they're entrenching a duopoly of software enshittification, and as convenient as the app might seem, that trend will only harm us all in the long run. please look for another service provider that doesn't impose such abusive requirements, let those that do know why they're not going to get your business, and ask anyone who will listen to you to do the same