@Hbomberguy It's a mixed bag. There are people who know what they're doing, but there are also scammers & people who push low-quality products & dubious claims. After all, most nootropics are classified as supplements & (in the US & some other places) that makes them entirely unregulated -- plus, the community is people of all intelligence levels who want to believe themselves to be super smart. @garethnelsonuk knows details more than I do.
I love the monofur font, EXCEPT: (1) at lower than 12 pt, periods and hyphens aren't drawn at all; (2) tildes aren't distinguishable from hyphens at even 12 pt. I usually keep my font around 6pt so when monofur is big enough to code in, it feels HUGE.
@shel@a_breakin_glass Where I work, it resets at the end of the year. If you never take any & it keeps resetting, they get in trouble with the dept of labour for not giving you the requisite amount of vacation / preventing you from taking it.
@Irick I know a couple people who work at Spotify and I know they mean well, but I suspect that it's just that nobody has ever even considered trying to run the app on a machine manufactured twelve years ago. It's too bad, because if they made sure it worked on such machines, they'd be accessible to a much bigger market.
If you are designing an application, PLEASE DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE THINGS. Let your users turn off potentially-slow things that only serve to make the app look pretty. Keep UI in a separate process from anything that does asset fetching & don't let asset fetching block input.
And then, of course, once that track starts it starts downloading the same album art over again, which takes about the same length of time. So if an album has a bunch of short tracks (under 3 minutes) I literally cannot use that computer for anything until it's done.
In my experience running Spotify on a slow-ass computer, it doesn't appear to cache anything & you can't disable some pointless features related to the display of album art. Occasionally, it will take longer than the runtime of an entire song to download the album art & flash it on the screen, during which period the app ignores all input while stealing focus.