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Notices by Stephen Sekula (, page 21
JWST keeps finding cosmic gems, black holes and surprising galaxies https://www. 3/07/12/jwst-new-picture-first-year/
It has been a joy to spend time thinking about the challenge of detecting # darkmatter in such a vibrant, beautiful, and multicultural city as # Montreal . I have only been here once before, in about 2008, but I get much more time on this trip to walk the neighborhoods and enjoy the space and the people. And the dusting off of my French has gone … acceptably. I even learned how to ask if a shop can serve decaffeinated coffee, which I never though to ask for in France/Switzerland. Indeed, they did!
From on Mastodon: This. Is. Hilarious. The PhD-Simulator https:// d/index.html # PhDs # phdlife # IchBinHanna # IchBinReyhan # WissZeitVG # AcademicChatter
From on Mastodon: Sunspots on an Active Sun Image Credit: NASA, SDO; Processing
From on Mastodon: Sadly I was working hard and didn't get a chance to go see @ jeffjarvis live when he came to London. If people get a chance have a watch of the interview Jeff did at the prospect. And also watch him weekly on @ TWiT https://
I am enjoying all of this rain in # Montreal . A gentle soundtrack to a lazy evening.
Also took the chance to learn the Metro here and rode 1 stop over to the science center where the GUINEAPIG workshop will start tomorrow. # Montreal # UdeM
Relaxing inside from the rain, enjoying the city. # Montreal
Happy to be in # Montreal ! My French shall now be utilized. My terrible, child-like French. But ... I was able to make a complete order in French, so while rusty since not traveling to Switzerland in 3 years, I am doing okay today in this lovely city.
From on Mastodon: "Proprietary software services should support ActivityPub." # EvanPoll # Poll
From on Mastodon: What happens in neutron star mergers? Complex numerical simulation sheds light on an extreme cosmic process. It took the Japanese supercomputer “Fugaku” 200 days to compute the new model. ➡️ https://www. ng-neutron-star-mergers 📃 https:// 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.011401 (open access publication) # BinaryNeutronStar
From on Mastodon: Was genau passiert bei Neutronenstern-Verschmelzungen? Aufwändige numerische Simulation bringt Licht ins Dunkel kosmischer Extremsituationen. Der japanische Supercomputer „Fugaku“ rechnete 200 Tage für die neue Modellierung. ➡️ https://www. ng-neutron-star-mergers 📃 https:// 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.011401 (Open-Access-Veröffentlichung) # Doppelneutronenstern
Super excited to travel to the GUINEAPIG low-mass dark matter workshop this week. This year it is hosted at Université de Montréal. I will be in # Montreal Tuesday-Thursday. GUINEAPIG = GeV-and-Under Invisibles with New Experimental Assays for Particles in the Ground (somebody just LOVES guinea pigs) https:// age/161-local-information
Excited about family visiting in just over one week! We are going to kayak on this more remote lake south of # Sudbury .
I finally think I discovered today why people like @ matthewfeickert could not see posts from my # Mastodon instance: I needed to add DNSs to the sidekiq and streaming docker containers. They could not, by default, map domain names to IP addresses, resulting in O(10,000) failed Sidekiq activities. I am redoing ALL of those failed requests now. Posts incoming and outgoing to my server should BALLOON in the next few hours.
From on Mastodon: Oh this is nice! My friend Liza pointed out that my book, Invisibility: The History and Science of How Not to Be Seen, was just reviewed by Nature as "one of the best science picks!" https://www. -02241-0
From on Mastodon: Doomed Star Eta Carinae Image Credit
My copy of "The # Gutenberg Parenthesis" is on its way from # Bloomsbury ! Excited to be able to read this when it arrives. Also feel very fortunate to be able to follow # scholars and # authors like @ jeffjarvis and @ drskyskull here in the # fediverse .
From on Mastodon: Hi, friend! I hope things are going well for you at Hive/Post News/Substack Notes/T2/Blue Sky/Nostr. I'm writing because I think your path to survival is connecting to the fediverse. You can open up to millions of new users, and show them what makes your platform and your community special. If you want to talk about how to make that happen, please feel free to contact me. I want your light to shine bright to the entire Social Web.
Yeah, so ... bought a new car today. It will take a few days for it to get registered, etc so we won't pick it up until after we finish traveling, so in about 9 days. Pretty excited to have a second electric vehicle!