I'm sorry, but this is just too perfect not to retoot
Notices by Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2019 15:21:28 EDT Sergey Bugaev
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Tuesday, 21-May-2019 17:21:07 EDT Sergey Bugaev
Linux has epoll, BSDs have kqueue, and the #Hurd has... well, neither, nor is there any replacement.
There of course are select & poll, but they work differently: with poll/select, the calls themselves block until an event occurs, whereas epoll/kqueue let you create a new fd and then wait on it. This makes them composable, so you can nest event loops, even between processes.
So for the past few days, in between finals, I've been writing a little epoll server for the Hurd; today it finally started working.
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Friday, 12-Apr-2019 17:27:57 EDT Sergey Bugaev
Apparently, setting `pointer-events: none` on an element prevents uBlock Origin's "Block this element" picker from being able to, well, pick it, and some websites have started to (ab)use this to make it harder for us to block their ads.
The workaround is of course to go into developer tools and manually allow pointer events on the ad, then block it via uBlock Origin.
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Saturday, 16-Feb-2019 14:50:49 EST Sergey Bugaev
I did it!!!!
TL;DR: I have ported #Wayland to #Darwin and written my own Wayland compositor using Cocoa 😎
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Sunday, 18-Nov-2018 13:31:59 EST Sergey Bugaev
I've made a mock-up to illustrate my ideas about the next-gen terminal experience!
• the pathbar
• username, hostname and git branch displayed in the UI, shrinking the shell prompt back to just a $
• commands as cards
• syntax highlighting, including graying out the output a bit to differentiate it from commands themselves
• autocompletion (displayed in a native widget)
• built-in error handling options
• the time each command took (on the right) -
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Monday, 27-Aug-2018 04:30:01 EDT Sergey Bugaev
@jamey I know that feeling! You start writing something down, it turns to a blog post skeleton, but not something you can publish... And then you spend like a month polishing it, until it gets perfect enough. And then you hope that maybe some nerd that runs into weird linking errors when using undocumented Mach-O features will find it useful :(
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Saturday, 02-Jun-2018 09:13:47 EDT Sergey Bugaev
@alanz @trevdev GitLab is open source, you can host it yourself, and many do (including the company I work for). A working federated solution would be nice though
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Thursday, 31-May-2018 08:22:35 EDT Sergey Bugaev
#Firefox Quantum (partly written in #Rust!) with a sleek headerbar running natively on #Wayland, all using #GTK+. A dream come true.
Sergey Bugaev (bugaevc@mastodon.technology)'s status on Thursday, 03-May-2018 15:05:11 EDT Sergey Bugaev
@federicomena it's a bit more nuanced than that. The debugging interface rr gives you *is* gdb. GDB upstream supports reverse-continue and others https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Reverse-Execution.html, but only when the "target environment" supports reverse execution. re imolements a server part of GDB (gdbserver) that has support for reverse execution mode.